aria king🎩 pfp

aria king🎩


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aria king🎩 pfp
aria king🎩
Sand Art: Creating works of art using sand, which are usually very temporary. This art includes sand painting on glass or creating large sand sculptures on beaches
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aria king🎩 pfp
aria king🎩
Land Art: This style involves creating works of art in nature. Using rocks, trees, soil and other natural elements, artists create large-scale works of art that are sometimes only visible from above.
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aria king🎩
Trash Art: Artists in this style use recycled materials and garbage to create works of art. These important works have an environmental message and point to the problem of consumption or consumption.
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aria king🎩
Shadow Art: The artist creates amazing images and shapes using light and shadow. Instead of using traditional materials, light and shadow are used as the main elements of the artwork.
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aria king🎩 pfp
aria king🎩
Henry Moore: Henry Moore is one of the greatest English sculptors of the 20th century, whose works are known for their inspiration from nature and the human body, especially abstract and simplified forms. Using materials such as bronze and stone, he created large and dynamic sculptures that have been displayed in public spaces in many cities around the world.
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aria king🎩 pfp
aria king🎩
Arthur Wesley Dow: He was an American painter who had a significant impact on modern art and art education, but is not well known. Dow's style included a combination of Eastern and Western art, especially the use of simple lines and detailed compositions. He is known more as a teacher and influencer in the field of art education than as an outstanding painter.
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aria king🎩 pfp
aria king🎩
"In a world full of noise and noise, art is a moment of silence. A moment when we go back deep within ourselves and see the hidden beauty in the world.
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aria king🎩 pfp
aria king🎩
Performance (in French: Performance) in the performing arts generally includes a ceremony during which an artist or a group of artists present one or more works of art to the audience. [1] Usually, artists already practice presenting the work of art. During the performance, the audience applauds the artists and afterwards, the performance is usually evaluated.
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aria king🎩 pfp
aria king🎩
Nightmare has always been popular since its first exhibition at the Royal Academy in London. Everyone wanted a copy of this strange painting. Some art fanatics looked down on Fuselli for allowing the copy. Sigmund Freud and Mary Shelley both had a copy of Nightmare on their wall
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aria king🎩 pfp
aria king🎩
Odilon Redon was very sad and weak as a child and always "looked for shadows". It is a fame that never left him. As an adult, he was asked what his favorite subjects were for painting. "My monsters," he replied simply. Due to his interests in natural history, psychiatry and microscopy, coal creatures and petroglyphs, Redon's paintings, he had no shortage of nightmares. His series of paintings are known as noir or "black things". Odilon Redon's works include "The Smiling Spider" (and its Weeping Counterpart), "The Horned Skeleton", "Cactus Man", "Egg's Head in a Cup" and "The Upset Swamp Flower".
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aria king🎩 pfp
aria king🎩
Bonnard belonged to a group of post-impressionist symbolist painters who called themselves Nabi (prophets). Their main goal was to equate applied art with fine arts such as painting and sculpture. The Prophets group made decorative vases, wall panels and patterned curtains in addition to paintings on canvas. Their paintings had a decorative quality that was carefully adapted to the compositions, and the decorations were often inspired by Japanese block prints. Bonnard was one of the most well-known artists of the Nabi group, who was supported by critics and art patrons.
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aria king🎩 pfp
aria king🎩
Medusa is usually depicted as a beautiful woman with live snakes in place of her figure, who could turn people to stone with just one look until Perseus decapitated her using a spray borrowed from Athena. In the Medusa painting by Caravaggio, we come across two strange things. Primarily, Caravaggio used a male model to represent Medusa and in addition painted Medusa on a real shield.
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aria king🎩 pfp
aria king🎩
Nature Book Sculpture This sculpture by Guy Laramie has hacked the image of a landscape on a book and was inspired by the fact that people seem to have only one use for books and that is reading them.
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aria king🎩 pfp
aria king🎩
Son of Man painting is one of the strangest works of art in the world. This painting, called Son of Man, is one of the most well-known and famous surrealist paintings by René Marguerite. It shows a man in a gray coat and a brimmed hat, his face covered with an apple. Hiding this person's face with a green apple shows a tense identity. Behind him is the sea and a cloudy sky, and a wall at the bottom of the painting that symbolizes man-made structures. This painting has a religious meaning and the name chosen for this painting is given to Christ in the Bible. Apple is one of the insignificant elements that have become very important in the face of a man, and this means that we should not focus our minds on minor issues.
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aria king🎩 pfp
aria king🎩
Running Horses Statue This strange and unique work of Las Colinas Mustangs can be found in Texas. This statue has the largest statue horses in the world. Each horse is 1.5 times larger than a real horse. In the legs of each of the horses, there are valves that can throw the water in the lake out, and this beautiful movement evokes the sound of galloping horses in the heart of a real field.
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aria king🎩 pfp
aria king🎩
The inverted elephant statue is one of the strangest works of art in the world. At a distance of 18,000 km from the surface of the earth, this strange statue was made by Daniel Furman to show the concept of gravity. At that distance from the ground, gravity is really weak and an elephant is able to hold itself upright on its trunk.
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aria king🎩 pfp
aria king🎩
Light is the most important thing in learning how to take art photos with your phone. Try to find suitable light sources, whether it's a light, some indoor lights, or even candlelight. You can even use the flashlight of another smartphone to have a more constant light source. Creating shadows with said light sources can add a sense of drama and mystery to your art photo. Shadows can also be used to hide or obscure certain elements in a photo.
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aria king🎩 pfp
aria king🎩
Visual arts are a branch of art that uses form, color, line and composition to create images that can be understood by sight. Painting, sculpture, photography and design are the most important subcategories of this art. These arts are not only a tool to express feelings and thoughts, but also play an important role in recording historical and cultural moments. Each visual work depicts its own world and invites the audience to discover deeper layers of meaning and beauty with attention to detail. Visual arts are a visual journey into the world of creativity and imagination.
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aria king🎩 pfp
aria king🎩
1. The Night Watch - one of Rembrandt's most famous works and one of the greatest group portraits in the history of art. This painting is an image of a militia group on the move and ready for action. Rembrandt's use of light and composition in this work is very creative and dynamic.
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aria king🎩 pfp
aria king🎩
Symbolism is one of the literary and artistic schools. This school was established at the end of the 19th century. Charles Baudelaire pioneered this way. Among those who were inspired by Baudelaire and prepared the ground for the emergence of symbolism with their works, Paul Verlaine, Arthur Rimbaud and Stéphane Mallarmé are the most famous. It should be noted that each of them had their own special style.
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