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My wife thought this was an ugly plant. As usual, I didn’t listen to her n brought it home. It’s really interesting. Going to have to look it up.
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Lovely! I think it's a purple datura metel! 25 $DEGEN
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Thank you. I believe it is a purple datura. I see they can be poisonous. Maybe my wife was correct. Damm
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They can indeed be poisonous! If you smoke/ingest the leaves they may royally fuck you up. However I definitely do not recommend this, as you said, too much can be toxic. If you have children or pets that eat everything, datura can be a problem for sure. If not, I think it's a lovely plant and flower.
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Thank you for the information. I have a dog, but the only interest he would have is to pee on it. 2 $DEGEN Thanks again.
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No problem, glad to assist! It's always really important to identify plants for reasons like this! Enjoy it, they truly are stonkers, beautiful, big, trumpet flowers and really crazy mace-looking seed pods after.
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Yes, the seed pods drew my attention right away. I’m glad I get to enjoy it. Thanks 🙏
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