Katherine pfp
The more I learn about health and wellness, the more reluctant I am to prescribe one-size-fits all solutions beyond meeting exercise recommended daily limits, eating a nutritious, protein forward diet, and getting enough sleep
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areyoukillingm3 pfp
"solely eat apples. be sure to sweat for 37 minutes starting at 4am. Do this for 1 week" is a baseline. It'll suck but you probably won't die. Adherence, documentation, and modification are the tricky and un-fun parts.
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areyoukillingm3 pfp
Totally agree that one-size-fits-all models are naive, and gives poor/discouraging results: without personalization. Just paying attention to what you're doing is so much of any program. It only gets more difficult yet exponentially more important for every day you live :)
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