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Pelago [🔵,🎩,⛓️,🧾] pfp
Pelago [🔵,🎩,⛓️,🧾]
It's a deload week for me this week, but going to try not going to the gym at all and instead do other low-intensive activities instead... any suggestions? So hard to not got to the gym but my joints definitely need it. Have picked up a few injuries last mesocycle.
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Lion360 pfp
It’s vanilla but I am all about long, outdoor walks (and always with a podcast). Great way to decompress and still stay active
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Hocilef pfp
Stretching, walking, mibility excersising
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Tylerperrystein.eth 🍖🧾 pfp
Tylerperrystein.eth 🍖🧾
This trainer (Mandy Morrison) has really great videos that are easy to follow and importantly are QUICK. I can only keep attention for 10-15mins so these are perfect for me and they hit all the right spots. Hope you feel better bro
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