{mātsyanyāya}  pfp



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{mātsyanyāya}  pfp
In this blog, I've shared my highlights from Eric Jorgenson's book "The Anthology of Balaji", which presents a curated collection of transcripts, tweets, and talks by @balajis. My goal is to provide a useful future reference for myself and possibly for readers https://apurvns.pages.dev/blog?post=23-June-2024
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{mātsyanyāya}  pfp
Foundation of @OpenAI is based on theft and lies. The ones affected are creators, not giants like Google. OpenAI has capitalised their creative and intellectual efforts and then labeled it as "democratizing the power of art." BS💩
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{mātsyanyāya}  pfp
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{mātsyanyāya}  pfp
Thinking .. the first crew to hit AGI will just drop it as a SAAS for everyone? Like it's gonna democratize power or something? I mean, sure, but can you actually see the gov or military being cool with that? Doubt it 😂
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{mātsyanyāya}  pfp
Trying to learn AI and LLMs, but man, they're speeding ahead like there's no tomorrow. Inside, I'm like ‘Hey, AI, how about taking a quick break? Let me catch up!’ 😅
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{mātsyanyāya}  pfp
Whether you have scientific or historical evidence to prove the truth doesn’t matter if people don’t have an economical incentive to evaluating and spreading that truth. ~Balaji Shrinivasan @balajis
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{mātsyanyāya}  pfp
In AI , Learning algorithms are the seeds, data is the soil and the learned programs are the grown plants. ML expert is like farmer, sowing the seeds, irrigating and fertilising the soil and keeping an eye on the health of the crops but otherwise STAYING OUT OF THE WAY ..
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{mātsyanyāya}  pfp
You don’t really understand something until you express it as an algorithm. Like Richard Feynman said - “What I can not create, I do not understand”
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{mātsyanyāya}  pfp
People thinks computers are all about numbers but they are not. They are all about logic.
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{mātsyanyāya}  pfp
True expertise looks like magic , in its core expertise is recognition . And recognition comes from incredible amount of highly structured information stored in long term memory . To build that memory requires 4 things :
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{mātsyanyāya}  pfp
Report indicates that a Microsoft data center complex in Arizona is expected to use about 56 million gallons of drinking water each year, which is equivalent to the water usage of approximately 670 families. https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2024/03/ai-water-climate-microsoft/677602/
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{mātsyanyāya}  pfp
Crazy time ahead
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{mātsyanyāya}  pfp
OpenAI isn’t Open as per the english translation of the word. To use their AI only thing that Opens is your wallets🤣 ~@fireship_dev https://youtu.be/KbzGy3whpy0?si=bcSCtV3Sdbmy9PKl
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{mātsyanyāya}  pfp
Do you really think Google Gemini is the problem and not the OpenAI ? 😂 While Google plays responsibly, OpenAI (Sam) is stirring things up like the RAVANA in this Ramayan 😂 Just wait and watch !
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{mātsyanyāya}  pfp
GPUs soar, treasures of the digital age.
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{mātsyanyāya}  pfp
Andrej karpathy : most great organizations require leaders with a disproportionate amount of power. when this is absent you end up with countless hierarchies of ineffective committees
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{mātsyanyāya}  pfp
I was wondered how bitcoin nodes locate each other ? Bitcoin DNS seed servers are the secret sauce. But here's the catch: they're hardcoded - centralized, a potential single point of failure for the whole protocol. Isn’t it ?
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{mātsyanyāya}  pfp
Programming is essentially about solving problems, but now programming itself might become the biggest problem we solve! 😂 https://magic.dev
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{mātsyanyāya}  pfp
This decade serves as the swan song for big tech's supremacy.
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{mātsyanyāya}  pfp
Everybody is talking about machine learning and AI in the last few years as if it’s a new thing. That technology was being developed at Stanford fifteen years ago. Innovations take time to evolve and diffuse out to the public.
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