Apurv pfp



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Apurv pfp
An X bot that scans tweets for keywords related to the farcaster promise , and auto comments - inviting the user to join FC (with some promo offer ) Tweet 1: I only see airdrop hunting posts on X, too much noise. Tweet 2: Have you met Ted on warpcast? ( HIMYM reference ftw)...
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Apurv pfp
if you could build any frame based app, what would you build? Will connect with interesting answer accounts to explore potential ways to collab...
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Apurv pfp
Any good prioritisation frameworks that you guys use as startup founders? Feel startups are a constant tussle b/w - doing too many experiments vs -doubling down on your core insight, only to reach a saturation point.
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Apurv pfp
Has anyone here experimented with compound reward primitives such as discounts, gas pass etc. in web3 context? Think this is a key element towards enabling long term growth. Seen a few gas rebate programs (Kyber did it a while ago) but unclear on the impact..
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Apurv pfp
We built a Base ecosystem exploration page with a "How based you are?" checker. -Connect your wallet & see relevant metrics - number of txns , volume etc. Plans to do personalised project recommendations soon. Link: https://www.intract.io/ecosystem/base/explore?tab=0
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Apurv pfp
Interesting product. how does the tech work ? & do you ingest social + on chain data?
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Apurv pfp
Daily ritual 1. Bookmark good casts 2. Take SS end of day 3. Post on team slack for members who are not yet here 4. Get appreciated for the alpha Seems like alpha is still not enough to break their inertia & get them to cross the chasm. Any ideas that worked to get your team onboarded?
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Apurv pfp
Love the concept of the channel. Reminds me of Echkart Tolle's book.
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Apurv pfp
A search engine built on top of all on-chain data of base + CT + Farcaster. Will it solve the problem of discovery on a bussing ecosystem such as base?
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Apurv pfp
Faded Blast ecosystem with no analysis, just looking at influencers post. Lesson in there
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Apurv pfp
Is this glitch due to some cache issue or probably a deleted user account??
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Apurv pfp
When creating a deck for your next fund raise, what are some crazy yet subtle ways to get a sense of what investors are looking for? Having the data is one thing, but often you got to marry it up with a story that resonates.. Not the favorite part of the job but got to be done.
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Apurv pfp
Understanding how farcaster differs from Warpcast has created a whole new mental model for me recently. To view clients separate from the underlying architecture / protocol - opens up new ways of thinking around web2 networks such as food delivery, dating etc.
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Apurv pfp
Anyone feeling a bit bored with the latest demon slayer arc?
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Apurv pfp
How would you break down the elements of a strong community? I kind of created a rough list - Informal vibes - Helping each other out - Flexible to feedback & change - Inclusive for all - Guided by a set of strongly adhered rituals & identity - Creating a game that is not zero sum - compound value > individual value
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Apurv pfp
Quick vote on what should we build for a weekend hackathon 1. How based you are? - gives you a score basis your base on-chain footprint 2. Chronology of a purple badge holder - what casts did folks do to get to the purple badge
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Apurv pfp
Meeting up Monad core team members in Eth CC at our side event. It will be a Gmonad day
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Apurv pfp
is this a good place to talk about toe fetish? 😆
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Apurv pfp
Lol, good simple app to build further brand affinity with a chain
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Apurv pfp
Curious what to led to 10x increase in my allowance? Did see some post around rewarding social activity... please point me to it. will be super grateful.
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