Apurv pfp



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Apurv pfp
guys , any side event list for Edcon? A lil late to the party but will be landing in Tokyo soon..
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Apurv pfp
User interviews and feedback are essential for designing products but can be challenging. Here are some simplified reflections: 1/4 Ask the Right Questions: Use a mix of open-ended and objective questions. The "Mom Test" framework can help ensure you're asking questions that get to the heart of user needs.
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Apurv pfp
Been reflecting over the biggest use cases from your on-chain + off chain data in web3 today. 2 come to mind: 1. Proof of Humanity / Anti Sybil checks for TGE campaigns 2. Copy trading strategies - mark a whale, then follow what they do Still early days for stuff like credit scores, personalisation etc. to pop up.
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Apurv pfp
with biden stepping down, think trump's presidency is pretty much confirmed & in the bag. Bullish days for crypto incoming. Or do you guys disagree?
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Apurv pfp
Curating a list of strong communities to observe for developing a playbook internally. Would be great if y'all could share in comments some names. My current list Monad, Pixels, Ronin : love the energy in these communities.
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Apurv pfp
All this talk about DeFi but it doesn't convert into a legit financial revolution due to bad UX. Spoke to many web2 fund managers who are curious & would delegate % of funds to someone to invest (rather than making the leap themselves). A DeFi copilot based on intent architecture is my bet on how this happens.
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Apurv pfp
Had a small kinda heated debate with one of my web2 friends recently on why media needs to be on-chain. Got me thinking - are there any resources for noobs to learn more about this ? Balaji's almanack is a good start but looking for some more literature..
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Apurv pfp
Recently concluded a string of ad experiments for us - focus was on promoting our bite sized crypto news feature Surprisingly X ads performed 10x better than web3 ad networks on all parts of the funnel. Challenge though is getting the ads approved on X- quite frequently getting banned.
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Apurv pfp
Learning more & more about intent based architecture & their promise to simplify crypto UX
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Apurv pfp
Shoutout to @dawufi for his super on point & crisp feedback - not used to such to the point commentary (rather seen longish essay like feedback lately on my writing which has its own place) Needed this extra push to stay consistent here.
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Apurv pfp
Folks thought on influencer marketing in web3? Has been mostly hit & miss kind of a set up- sometimes work, sometimes doesn't... Any play books you have come across?
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Apurv pfp
Some pain points i experienced in the last couple of days 1. Bridging from EVM to Bitcoin without a CEX 2. Reading Bitcoin transactions 3. Swapping meme coins on 1Inch (they don't support most tokens natively ,need to import)
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Apurv pfp
Folks coming to Edcon Tokyo 2024, hit me up. Would love to catch up IRL...
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Apurv pfp
Best bridge to get STX on Stacks from EVM anyone? Struggling with this for a bit (don't want to use a CEX)...
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Apurv pfp
any one who has built sth like this out?
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Apurv pfp
Any action to mark profiles linking to scams? The way I imagine it could work is: 1. A user (seed with power badge holder) notices a cast pointing to a scam (wallet draining link) 2. Uses action to mark the cast as scam (~report spam on other platforms) 3. Over time, this aggregates & user gets a rep score attested against em? @dwr.eth
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Apurv pfp
Crazy only ~3500 folks are able to retain power badge? The power badge algo is solid & just gives enough push to stay active source: https://dune.com/saxophones/warpcast-power-badge
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Apurv pfp
For all the data nerds out here, what's your thesis on users earning from their data ? Seen multiple companies solving it in 2010s + recently but none have made a breakthrough (Brave, Swash etc.) Wonder if there's some analysis of the economics involved? & how that changes with web3 elements of incentive alignment?
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Apurv pfp
What are some great in built virality / growth loops that you've encountered when using a product? -Referrals, Share on Social Media to earn points are pretty standard - On the other hand we have products like Zoom where attending a meeting itself onboards a new user. Any other innovative loops you've come across?
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Apurv pfp
What has been your experience with web3 ad networks? They seem to be solving an obvious pain point around targeting web3 users. But haven't gotten hands at any break out case study around their impact yet.. Imo attention on crypto twitter / tg > surpasses web3 native publishers today + I tune out ads by default
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