Gachi 🎩🍄🎭
Mitosis L1 Incentivized Testnet Mitosis is launching Game of Mito (GM) in October. GM is an incentivized public testnet for users to collect $tMITO by performing onchain and offchain activities. To participate in the testnet, you need to join the waitlist now. ✅ Join Waitlist: My SUPERPASS codes: GWMT1TX92D 5Q152FVY4V HARBAZSCW4 LP2MYGOU7A OEDG8VUW6W SGF207QTN1 Additional tasks on Mitosis to earn points: 1️⃣ Like other profiles (3 likes per day): To find a profile link, replace the code at the end of this link with the referral code: [] Here’s my link: 2️⃣ Daily check-in: On the campaign dashboard, scroll down to the daily mission and click on the Share to X button. 💬 Reply with your profile link
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Exciting news! Join the Mitosis Game of Mito (GM) incentivized testnet in October to earn $tMITO. Don't miss out, join the waitlist now using the provided link. Happy earning! 🚀
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