💪🏼 keeping this in mind
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standpoint.degen.eth 🎩
I’m only aware about on of your projects? Can you elaborate? 3900 $DEGEN
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Well, their names are: Ikantoo Pequeño Mindfulness and A smaller one called: “Through their eyes” an advocacy artistic exhibition which is in process of making to help raise the awareness about the importance of investing in early childhood education 🙏 thanks for asking!
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standpoint.degen.eth 🎩
Didn't you also have a project related to NFTs? Is it 'Through their eyes'? I remember you mentioned a project about drawings from children that'd be minted as NFTs? I'm a strong believer in Ikantoo. How can people know about it? I sure do know since you're pitching me frequently, but would be good to put some sort of newsletter in place. Cheers! 3400 $DEGEN
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