Anthony Avedissian pfp

Anthony Avedissian


436 Following

Anthony Avedissian pfp
Anthony Avedissian
I think more people should have kids & parents with kids should have more of them than they currently do (note: US birthrate fell to a historic low of 1.62 in 2023, well below the rate needed for population growth). It seems society is miscalculating the costs/benefits of having kids, e.g underestimating the balance of nature vs nurture and overvaluing intensive coddling VS not looking far enough ahead to appreciate the long-term joys of a larger family and future grandkids, thereby leading to fewer, later, or no kids at all. Something must change!
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Anthony Avedissian pfp
Anthony Avedissian
Just finished Freezing Order by Bill Browder, the sequel to Red Notice. Excellent book to understand how disinformation spreads and how it can be countered + a compelling case for why existing power structures (specifically the US government) are incapable to intervene and prevent disinformation, even when in plain sight! Must-read for those interested in global corruption, financial crime + the fight for justice.
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Anthony Avedissian pfp
Anthony Avedissian
Making a film has gone from Venture Capital to Private Equity?
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Anthony Avedissian pfp
Anthony Avedissian
v interesting post here about how msft azure's gen ai capabilities will enable the discovery of new molecular structures for use in chemistry (imagine more efficient batteries for electric vehicles, highly degradable materials for recycling, etc) ai being the enabler, msft really seems to be the "everything company" more than any of the other big tech co's
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Anthony Avedissian pfp
Anthony Avedissian
i've seen way too many crypto x ai decks recently that all almost entirely rely the "community to contribute knowledge" and some ambiguous set of applications to "drive demand" via a circuitous token incentive layer with v little focus on actually building community, building an amazing product, or developing a moat outside of the token mechanism prob ngmi
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Anthony Avedissian pfp
Anthony Avedissian
Energy will soon become the biggest bottleneck in AI.
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Anthony Avedissian pfp
Anthony Avedissian
Do folks believe in this? Is it possible now? We will prob need new techniques for scalable validation to synth data doesn't bake in self-reinforcingly worse bias and inaccuracy.
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Anthony Avedissian pfp
Anthony Avedissian
A huge focus in web3 is empowering creators to escape walled gardens, better monetize their work, and establish deeper connections with communities and fans. Equally important should be empowering curators(!) Really excited to see @jayme address this with ✨
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Anthony Avedissian pfp
Anthony Avedissian
Has anyone tried Viome or other similar protocols?
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Anthony Avedissian pfp
Anthony Avedissian
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Anthony Avedissian pfp
Anthony Avedissian
Will be interesting to follow how the relationship between leading SocialFi platforms and the chains they’re built on unfolds over the next year (Fantasy/Blast, FriendTech/Base, Pump/Solana)
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Anthony Avedissian pfp
Anthony Avedissian
entered a K(EF speaker) hole 🙃
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Anthony Avedissian pfp
Anthony Avedissian
it’s always been about mining
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Anthony Avedissian pfp
Anthony Avedissian
Recently started going through threads/comments on & realized it’s genuinely very funny and entertaining. Perhaps the best analogy is a tokenized 4chan. Feel has a huge opportunity to lean into social to build network effects & moat, but still seems like a wildly volatile biz model!
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Anthony Avedissian pfp
Anthony Avedissian
The Power Law. “Great” funds get 90%+ of returns from 10x+ investments—big home runs.
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Anthony Avedissian pfp
Anthony Avedissian
does it even matter?
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Anthony Avedissian pfp
Anthony Avedissian
Talking L3s and 🙃L4s🙃 @ 57 Windward!
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Anthony Avedissian pfp
Anthony Avedissian
internet explorers live & in the flesh today with @seedclub
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Anthony Avedissian pfp
Anthony Avedissian
Thanks to @seth @sum for the free /books 💜
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Anthony Avedissian pfp
Anthony Avedissian
jm 🟣 I am currently vibing with @jam at Farcon 💜 Monetization of casts is so much fun! Excited to be involved in the New Era of the Creator Economy! 💟 /farcon /jamfrens /farcaster
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