Another Fullstack Dev pfp

Another Fullstack Dev


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Another Fullstack Dev pfp
Another Fullstack Dev
New year, new you! A guideline how to build new skills while working full-time: 1. Pick a skill you absolutely must master. 2. Chat up your team—bonus points for high titles! 3. Convince everyone your project can’t survive without **insert skill here**. Voilà! 🚀 Caution: - You might not survive this plan (but hey, risks make life exciting). - Your project might not survive either (awkward, but recoverable).
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Another Fullstack Dev pfp
Another Fullstack Dev
That’s a quite hard thing to do!
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Another Fullstack Dev pfp
Another Fullstack Dev
tRPC is amazing! How easy it is to use the full power of typescript! Not to blame, but with NestJS + class-validator, for instance, it is 100 lines of code task 🤯 and no guarantee that TS will pick your type properly ;) PS: took an image of DTO from a random article on the internet just for illustrating purposes
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Another Fullstack Dev pfp
Another Fullstack Dev
Looks like one of the last styled divs of someone, at least in that team/company
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Another Fullstack Dev pfp
Another Fullstack Dev
I'm super glad to know that you (or anyone else) think of it. 🙏
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Another Fullstack Dev pfp
Another Fullstack Dev
I did a small POC based on drizzle + yoga + graphql NPM package. I used a different package for generating GQL schema from the drizzle one, but it should not make a significant difference. Here is the repo: Quick conclusion: If Ponder can expose the generated GQL entities the users should be able to extend the schema without any custom tools just with the API that graphql package provides. Deeper look into points: - I seems that graphql package provides an API to get an existing object definition so it is possible to just "spread" this definition + add own fields with args, resolvers, etc..; - I think it is possible to provide parent objects filtering based on child objects and reuse the where input types for child objects (I did it in the repo) so it should not be cumbersome to implement and use;
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Another Fullstack Dev pfp
Another Fullstack Dev
First, regarding the GQL that Ponder provides. It is cool, really cool but lacks some important features what probably detracts users from using it. What additional GQL features I would love to have when working on a project with Ponder: - Add an additional field to the GQL Object Type + perform sorting and filtering based on this field. Real work use-case might be a total number of transactions per user and select the top 5 users by the number of transactions; - Write custom queries that have connection to other object types. For instance I want to somehow specially select ERC20 transfers and for that I want to write a custom resolver, but also I want to resolve other entities that are related to the transfer (transaction data for instance) without explicitly doing that in the resolver (by utilizing the way how GQL resolvers do cascade work); - Write "where" conditions for parent objects based on child objects;
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Another Fullstack Dev pfp
Another Fullstack Dev
Just my, probably not too smart, opinion. But I would love more to have the ability to customize the GQL schema that ponder generates or at least hook up my GQL resolvers to it. It feels somehow more reliable aproach than a separate library with own syntax. Also, the are plenty of tools to make usage of GQL easy in most of client-side codebases.
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