👽 pfp



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👽 pfp
hihi @betashop.eth @airstack.eth! I'd like to auction my Fan Tokens on Farcaster! @moxie-protocol
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👽 pfp
this frame doesn't do what i want it to do, yet but who cares, you may have some ideas, or feedback. if you are curious enough you can understand where it is going and you can comment below anything that comes to your awareness (your $degen allo is not only for tipping) https://api.anky.bot/sadhana
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👽 pfp
this is for all the nerds out there that care about understanding how things work @anky.eth is powered by an LLM (llama 3, the 8b parameter one) that is fine tuned following two processes: first, we use SFT (Supervised Fine Tuning*), to train the model how to think as a human. as data, we use the streams of consciousness that people write through our app: anky.bot the thesis behind using this writing as training for this part of the process is that it mirrors how we think, more than the text that we see on the internet (which is filtered and edited - and the default training data for LLMs) after that, we use another fine tuning process called DPO (Direct Preference Optimization†). the training data is harvested from farcaster. a root cast (context) a "good" reply to it (learn how to do this) a "bad" reply to it (avoid doing that - what dwr would refer to as "low effort") references: * https://huggingface.co/docs/trl/en/sft_trainer † https://huggingface.co/docs/trl/main/en/dpo_trainer
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👽 pfp
its working
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👽 pfp
baby steps
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👽 pfp
mfer mode on
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👽 pfp
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