Angela pfp



1033 Following

Angela pfp
todays little toy
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300 reactions

Angela pfp
Why l am bearish on zora: - team is too supportive - gas is too low - community is too good - merch has too much swag
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534 reactions

Angela pfp
market cap vs fdv haha
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368 reactions

Angela pfp
the only superhero’s i will ever publicly admit to liking is the powerpuff girls other than that i hate superheros, will always support the villain. i don’t trust “heros” something sus bout them
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526 reactions

Angela pfp
succesfull road
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531 reactions

Angela pfp
Today is Bitcoin Pizza Day! 🍕 Exactly 14 years ago, programmer Laszlo Hanyecz paid 10,000 BTC for two pizza
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222 reactions

Angela pfp
Introducing ZK-Rollups: Zora has recently been talking about the immense potential of "ZK-Rollups" in the crypto world. ZK-Rollups is a layer-2 scaling solution for the Ethereum blockchain that makes transactions faster, cheaper, and more private.
5 replies
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298 reactions

Angela pfp
We all love a green screen 🟢 Markets are going higher, FC is going higher and your going higher
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426 reactions

Angela pfp
The woman is music... note to note love... A quiet symphony that It takes all of you... to the limit of kisses and hugs... Where I love you with every friend... you get drunk... Rest like a phoenix... Between the earth and the sky
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389 reactions

Angela pfp
Good morning to all, I wish you a really productive day, I have a specific movement today 😁 I give you this opportunity to work and improve yourself
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397 reactions

Angela pfp
Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX & X(Twitter) has been involved in various ventures and has founded multiple companies. Elon support Dogecoin. He was richest man on 2021& Because of his lifestyle & character people call him real Ironman! 💯 What do U think about Elon Mask? And who's yr favorite founder?
7 replies
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364 reactions

Angela pfp
Adobe photoshop logo design from 1990 ,which is best?
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390 reactions

Angela pfp
Quantum: Created in 2014 by Kevin McCoy, Quantum was a digital artwork minted on the Namecoin blockchain. It's recognized as a pioneer in the concept of tokenizing digital art and marked a crucial step in the development of NFTs.
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372 reactions

Angela pfp
Its called CRYpto
2 replies
2 recasts
202 reactions

Angela pfp
Want to stand out in a crowded market? Avoid the temptation to create new jargon for your product features. It's a risky move with a slim chance of success. Instead, focus on clarity and simplicity. Your customers will thank you, and your product will shine.
8 replies
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336 reactions

Angela pfp
programing languages,learn one of them for future
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259 reactions

Angela pfp
Farcaster is an innovative, open-source, decentralized social network that sets itself apart from centralized social networks like Meta or X by giving users complete control over their data. Unlike these centralized platforms that retain ownership of user data, Farcaster empowers its users with direct data ownership
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203 reactions

Angela pfp
Oh, look! Only 1 week ago I discovered $FOMO by TOCD Studio(@tocd) and now they are listed on Coingecko. Guess where the price of $FOMO token will go? Did you earn $FOMO points for potential airdrop? Share this cast and receive 30,000 $FOMO Tip allowance $FOMO to every wallet. $FOMO to $1 /omof
3 replies
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286 reactions

Angela pfp
Zoom in😻, How much would you pay for this artwork now? Find in zora
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298 reactions

Angela pfp
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values shape the future. 🌈
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195 reactions