Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵    pfp

Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵


316 Following

Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵    pfp
Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵
the ticker is $TN100x 👀
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Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵    pfp
Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵
hey fam - have a few @alfafrens invites to share: - quote recast and name your 3 favorite NFT collections below. have DMs open so I can send you the invite. meet ya on the other side 🎩
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Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵    pfp
Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵
🟪 Purple Applications for Retroactive Funding Round 6 coming. --> Grants to people and projects who have made an impact to Farcaster in the last 2 months --> Look back on Round 5:
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Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵    pfp
Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵
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Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵    pfp
Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵
just dipping around
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Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵    pfp
Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵
GM replyooors! may $degen be with you!
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Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵    pfp
Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵
gm replyguys!
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Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵    pfp
Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵
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Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵    pfp
Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵
enjoy and have fun!
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Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵    pfp
Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵
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Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵    pfp
Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵
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Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵    pfp
Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵
adding my 5 🧩👀🔵🎩
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Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵    pfp
Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵
click click click soon soon 🙏 😵‍💫
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Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵    pfp
Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵
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Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵    pfp
Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵
finished reading @cdixon.eth Read Write Own. one of the best reads lately and makes me even more excited about the future of the internet. we are so early!! my part II highlights:
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Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵    pfp
Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵
Beautifully written. Fearless creativity is the biggest moat!
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Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵    pfp
Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵
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Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵    pfp
Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵
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Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵    pfp
Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵
$DEGEN to $1 btw.
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Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵    pfp
Andrew🎩 🟪 🔵
just a friendly reminder if you are here congrats you are so early
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