Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Warpcast web now supports login! - Login with your mobile device - You can cast, like, and recast - View your notifications feed Try logging at warpcast.com Feedback / bug reports encouraged! Over the next few weeks, will have almost full feature parity with mobile and desktop. https://i.imgur.com/w9HIWQf.jpg
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andrei pfp
When can this be available to third-party apps? I would love to offer this on BotFrens instead of asking users to enter their mnemonic
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Ignas Peciura pfp
Ignas Peciura
Beta starts next week, you can find more info in the latest dev call notes: https://warpcast.notion.site/Mar-16th-dfe36cda5ce444c1842545fc05d3e89c
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