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andrei pfp
Solidity devs. I am having a hard time verifying a smart contract on BASE via forge verify-contract. I am getting "Etherscan could not detect the deployment" event though the contract is deployed: 0x7822465cD6F5A553F464F82ADA1b2ea33bCB2634 Ideas?
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Nader 🎩 pfp
Nader 🎩
Basescan is a separate api from etherscan. It’s likely trying to verify that address on mainnet. Are you hitting the basescan endpoint?
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wbnns πŸ”΅ pfp
wbnns πŸ”΅
Hi there! It looks like there was a temporary issue. We reached out to Etherscan, the team behind Basescan, and they've confirmed there was a problem which is now fixed. If you experience any other issues PLMK and we'll follow up with them.
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Zach pfp
(worst comes to worst, compile a flattened solidity file, go to "verify" and select 1-file, compiler, optimized and copy/paste the flattened sol file into the text box)
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memes du monde 🎩 pfp
memes du monde 🎩
Your verification invocation should look something like: forge verify-contract 0x7822465cD6F5A553F464F82ADA1b2ea33bCB2634 BBitsCheckIn --watch --chain 8453 --compiler-version VERS --optimizer-runs RUNS --etherscan-api-key KEY --constructor-args $(cast abi-encode "constructor(address,address) ADDR_ONE ADDR_TWO)
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