Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
@dwr.eth @v @nickcherry @sds @gt @lordquas @nir First cast from farcaster on Windows πŸŽ‰ Took me 2 days to be able to run a port... The ultimate platform is the web, making the react codebase into web-app with embed web-wallet, in my view gives far more user accessibility if you really want that.
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dylan pfp
damn mad props for building in the web! I’m using a tech that ports a web view on all platforms similar to electron, I’m super curious to hear how you launched the app in the end :D well done!!!
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Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
My main takeaway is that at least this farcaster app can in current form can be released on windows/linux too with ease.
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Andy Jagoe pfp
Andy Jagoe
nice. hope v2 does a better job enforcing its schema. maybe hubs should use json schema and reject messages > 280 characters but how do you know if a hub is running valid protocol?
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Brenner pfp
Most interesting part about this cast to me is how long it is. Didn't know 280 was only enforced client-side
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