anchornavy pfp



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anchornavy pfp
original cast means that upload cast without chanel?? Idk about that.. and i already delete my cast and lost tip allowance... so sad
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anchornavy pfp
everything will be ok... keep going..!
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anchornavy pfp
Today's recommendation is Dante's 'Divina Commedia / Divine Comedy'. Dante, the main character, talks about the ethics and philosophy of Christian faith at the time, about a poet named Vergilius, who traveled to hell, purgatory, and heaven with Beatrice in his dream.
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anchornavy pfp
Today's recommended book is "Under the Wheel" by Herman Hesse. It's about a boy who had to pursue what everyone envies under the wheel of life. When I read this book, I thought that if the dream that everyone envied is not my dream, I should live with confidence in it.
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anchornavy pfp
Today's recommendation is ’Also sprach Zarathustra‘ It's a book that compiles all of Nietzsche's thoughts and ideas, and it's a good book to think about 'Human and Myself'.
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anchornavy pfp
Today's recommended book is sin and punishment. It is a book by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, which made me think, "Everyone sinners. It's up to him to admit his guilt. What a man I want to be." It's a long book, but I'm proud to say it's a good one.
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anchornavy pfp
Today's recommended book is "Human Disqualification." The author is Dasai Ozamu, and the characteristic of this book is that it vividly expresses the image of a human being being being broken. As I read this book, I thought, "I have to live with confidence so that I will not be shaken and broken."
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anchornavy pfp
Today's recommendations are Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea. You can feel time passing by frantically by the writing skills of hardboiled Hemingway, and after you finish reading the book, you will be attracted to Mojito.
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anchornavy pfp
I've been reading a book on AI medical recently, and it seems that the era of AI and human collaboration is not far away. The GPT-4,which is being developed by Microsoft,is mainly used,which acts as a doctor's judgment aid rather than a means of replacing a doctor. This will bring important d evelopment in the medical.
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anchornavy pfp
Do you have a favorite book? I like "Siddhartha" by Hermann Hesse the most. This book is about a character named Gotama Siddhartha who enlightens you about life in the process of becoming a Buddha. I really want to recommend it to you.
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anchornavy pfp
Why are you being swayed by what's going on outside of you? If you have time, spend your time learning more good things that will benefit you, and stop being dragged around by things that don't have any benefits. But you must be careful not to make another mistake after that. -Marcus Aurelius-
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anchornavy pfp
야간근무 후 해장국과..... 올림픽대교 야경입니다!!! 다들 화이팅하시죵....!!!
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anchornavy pfp
오늘 하루도 수고 많으셨습니다!!! 같이 야간 불태워보시죠!!!
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anchornavy pfp
날이 좋으니 치앙마이 여행갔던 기억이 나네요..!! 조금 덥긴 했지만 모든 순간이 아름다웠던 여행이었는데..!! 또 가고싶다!!
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anchornavy pfp
오늘은 작년에 여수여행 가서 먹었던 음식을이 생각나서 올려요...!!! 감태삼치롤이랑... 묵은지 파스타였는데 퓨전 한식 요리를 첨 먹어서 엄청 신선했던 느낌이 생각나네요!!
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anchornavy pfp
오늘은 겹벚꽃과 브런치입니다!!! 워캐 상황이 별로 좋지 않은 상황이지만... 다들 복구되시고 얼른 나아져서 다시 같이 많은 활동을 할 수 있기를 기원합니다...! 오늘 하루도 화이팅!!
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anchornavy pfp
오늘은 이팝나무입니다!! 우연히 지나가다 봤는데 엄청 화려했어요!
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anchornavy pfp
어제 저녁에 한잔하면서 먹었던 조개술찜!!! 파스타면도 추가 가능하더라구요 ㅋㅋㅋ 와방 먹어버렸네요... 오늘 하루도 다들 화이팅입니다!!! <<
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anchornavy pfp
Today's brunch with a cute dog plate! It was so delicious with pollack roe and shrimp in it!
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anchornavy pfp
프레리독이랑 사막여우처럼 늘어지게 자고싶은 피곤한 날이네용... 다들 힘내보시죠!!
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