Lou Plummer  pfp

Lou Plummer 


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Lou Plummer  pfp
Lou Plummer 
The Worst Movie I Ever Saw - Face/Off, a 1997 thriller by John Woo, starring John Travolta and Nick Cage made me want to stop watching movies forever. - https://linkage.lol/the-worst-movie-i-ever-saw/
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Lou Plummer  pfp
Lou Plummer 
I use a lot of iOS and Mac shortcuts with Obsidian https://amerpie.lol/2024/06/22/helpful-ios-and.html
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Lou Plummer  pfp
Lou Plummer 
The case for Obsidian Sync - 1) It just works 2) I want to support the devs https://amerpie.lol/2024/06/19/the-case-for.html
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Lou Plummer  pfp
Lou Plummer 
I’ve been amazed since I started writing app reviews at AppAddict. Some of the reviews have been viewed thousands of times. I’ve had reviews mentioned on Lifehacker and The Verge. If you’re curious as to what’s been the most popular, here’s a list. https://amerpie.lol/2024/06/13/the-most-popular.html
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Lou Plummer  pfp
Lou Plummer 
10 Obsidian Plugins That Won't Affect Your Data https://amerpie.lol/2024/06/12/useful-obsidian-plugins.html
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Lou Plummer  pfp
Lou Plummer 
My Obsidian Wish List https://amerpie.lol/2024/06/11/my-obsidian-wish.html
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Lou Plummer  pfp
Lou Plummer 
Here's mine. What are yours? https://amerpie.lol/2024/06/09/my-favorite-things.html
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Lou Plummer  pfp
Lou Plummer 
https://amerpie.lol/2024/06/05/dont-be-afraid.html This plugin is powerful but a little bit daunting. It has nine tabs of options. I'll walk you through them and you can take advantage of all that Linter has to offer.
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Lou Plummer  pfp
Lou Plummer 
10 More Obsidian tips https://amerpie.lol/2024/06/01/more-random-obsidian.html - Have Obsidian Open to the Same Page Every time You Start the App - Assign a Basic Set of File Properties to Every Note You Create - Get 77 ideas for notes you can create or 15 sample vaults you can download - More
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Lou Plummer  pfp
Lou Plummer 
I record the following: Wake time Status (work, home, travel) Daily weather Appointments Things I learned A chronological record of the day Gratitude list Notes created that day Notes modified that day Tasks completed from my task manager (Things 3) https://amerpie.lol/2024/05/21/using-obsidian-as.html
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Lou Plummer  pfp
Lou Plummer 
This is a list of things I learned to do on my own in Obsidian that I wish someone had been around to show me. Would have saved a bunch of time. https://amerpie.lol/2024/05/25/random-but-helpful.html
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Lou Plummer  pfp
Lou Plummer 
My top 10 favorite Raycast use cases and the apps they replaced. https://amerpie.lol/2024/04/25/my-favorite-raycast.html
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Lou Plummer  pfp
Lou Plummer 
New iOS app for quick capture in markdown straight to Obsidian, Bebop Quick Notes - https://apps.louplummer.lol/post/bebop-quick-notes
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Lou Plummer  pfp
Lou Plummer 
Sync folders, make bootable full disk backup https://apps.louplummer.lol/post/two-recommendations-for-syncing-utilities
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Lou Plummer  pfp
Lou Plummer 
Today on AppAddict - Velja Browser Picker -open-source app that opens URLS in the correct app (Discord, App Store Teams, Zoom etc.) or in the browser of your choice. Easy to configure and use. #mac0S https://apps.louplummer.lol/post/velja-browser-picker-by-sindre-sorhus
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Lou Plummer  pfp
Lou Plummer 
I do not understand the 100+ tabs open at the time people. Not saying you're wrong, I just don't get it. Did you get attacked by a bookmarks.html file as a young child? Is yours the laptop with a petabyte of RAM? What gives? https://amerpie.lol/2024/05/17/whats-your-browser.html
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Lou Plummer  pfp
Lou Plummer 
The iPhones of Normal People - https://louplummer.lol/post/the-phones-of-normal-people
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Lou Plummer  pfp
Lou Plummer 
As more people get off corporate owned social media and start their own blogs on the IndieWeb, there's a need for great software like MarsEdit from Red Sweater Software - https://apps.louplummer.lol/post/marsedit-making-blogging-easier
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Lou Plummer  pfp
Lou Plummer 
Today on AppAddict - CleanShot X hits the sweet spot for price and features among the many screen shot utilities for macOS, including several new features just released in version 4.7 https://apps.louplummer.lol/post/cleanshot-x
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Lou Plummer  pfp
Lou Plummer 
I collected links to 15 vaults from around the Internet you can download to experiment with. It includes @kepano , Nick Milio, The Sweet Setup, Lean Productivity and a bunch of others. https://amerpie.lol/2024/05/13/example-obsidian-vaults.html
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