Scroll Canvas - Earn Badges 🎁 There’s currently 4 Badges made available for Scroll Canvas participants. Here’s a quick and simple guide to get all these badges. 🔸Costs $5 in ETH 🔸Time 10 mins Badges 🔹Ethereum Year 🔹Scroll Genesis NFT 🔹Scrolly 🔹Zebra Before we move forward to Badges, you will need to have Scroll Canvas Minted. If you don’t, learn how to here:
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Ethereum Year The Ethereum Year Badge is the badge that recognizes the year in which your wallet address has recorded an Ethereum txn for the first time. Almost every wallet should be eligible for this badge unless you are a sybil trying to farm only SCROLL. This is exactly why,you need to deposit some ETH into Ethereum network and Make a txn right away, if you did not already qualify. 🔹Nav to: 🔹Click on Ethereum Year Badge 🔹Check you Eligibility 🔹Click on Mint 🔹Confirm txn ✅ Note: It may take a while for this badge to pop-up in your Badges after minting.
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Scroll Genesis NFT Badge This Badge is for users who have minted the Scroll Origins NFT at : If you have minted this NFT, then you are eligible for mint the Badge. 🔹Nav to: 🔹Click on Scroll Genesis NFT 🔹Check you Eligibility 🔹Click on Mint 🔹Confirm txn ✅ NOTE: If you don’t see this badge for you, wait for a day or two to get the badges refreshed and it should be available for you. Due to overwhelming traffic, the Network and the website is congested.
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Scrolly Badge The scroll badge signifies the ecosystem partnership of Scrolly with Scroll. Most is the users are not eligible for this badge initially. Here’s how you can get yourself eligible. 🔹Nav to: 🔹Connect wallet and Change network to scroll 🔹Mint Scroll Baby - Costs $3-$4 🔹After successfully minting the scrolls baby, you can follow the below steps to mint the Scrolly Badge 🔹Nav to: 🔹Click on Ethereum Year Badge 🔹Check you Eligibility 🔹Click on Mint 🔹Confirm txn ✅
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Zebra Badge Zebra is a Dex and Liquidity provider on Scroll. In order to be eligible for the Zebra Badge, you will need to do onChain actions on Zebra 🔹Nav to: 🔹Swap USDC - USDT worth $501 🔹Nav to: 🔹Provide liquidity to USDT - USDC pair Nav: and click on the Badge at the Right Bottom Corner. 🔹Click on Mint Badge 🔹Confirm txn Now, you can go back to Scroll Canvas 🔹Nav to: 🔹Click on Zebra Badge 🔹Check you Eligibility 🔹Click on Mint 🔹Confirm txn ✅
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