Alterle pfp



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Alterle pfp
Do cats want to pretend to be humans?
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Alterle pfp
Sometimes we just wish no one could see our face
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Alterle pfp
Real builders commit, and I just committed 1.14M $BUILD tokens to the BUILD Summer Fund. 🫡
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Alterle pfp
Even when I didn't have any time to read during the day I open this channel in the evening and reading about reading experience of other people makes me feel better ❤️
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Alterle pfp
Going with the Russian classics this week "A human being should be entirely beautiful: the face, the clothes, the mind, the thoughts." Agree?
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Alterle pfp
I saw this movie many years ago but still remember how I couldn't stop seeing that guy everywhere. And seeing this mask still makes me shudder after all these years
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Alterle pfp
I'm wondering what inspired Indonesians create masks like these
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Alterle pfp
Ever thought what would be your book if you could only take one to a deserted isle? I would bring In Search of the Lost Time by Marcel Proust. A book I close and immediately want to start reading again. Another reason is that it consists of 7 volumes - perfect for a deserted island 😊
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Alterle pfp
I know you're an expert on superheroes @mark2024 but who's your favourite masked one?
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Alterle pfp
I'd love to have a mask like this one!
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Alterle pfp
I read Cryptonomicon many years ago and loved it, now I want to read it again but afraid to be disappointed. Our perception changes with years, what if I don't like it this time? Such a good memory will be destroyed...
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Alterle pfp
I'm wondering how many people here have read The Infinite Jest? When I started reading it I felt so miserable because my English which I thought to be so good turned out so sh** with so many words I didn't know... right until I read a blog of someone from the States struggling with the same problem 😆
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Alterle pfp
/Enjoy the action
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Alterle pfp
A post by @thanki made me think of masks in cinema and the only one I could think of was this one
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Alterle pfp
If you're a fan of Apocalypse Now (and if you're not I just don't believe you) make sure you also watched The Hearts of Darkness, a wonderful backstage made by Coppola's wife documenting all that time they spent filming one of the best movies in history
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Alterle pfp
I Always Do What Teddy Says is something I read as a child but keep thinking about even now, many years later. A powerful story about childhood, imagination, the influence of adults and toys and how it can change the child's life forever
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Alterle pfp
Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness" is a gem of the world literature. A mesmerising trip into the depths of the dark side of the human nature set against the picturesque backdrop of the Congo River. 200% recommended! And then watch Apocalypse Now one more time, they complement each other perfectly
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Alterle pfp
We all put on different masks to hide our true selves. We are one person with our friends and another at work... but do we know what we really are behind all those masks?
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Alterle pfp
I just started reading a new book recently (Hopscotch by Cortazar) and then started another one (Time Shelter by Georgi Gospodinov). Both are great but isn't it stupid to read to fiction books at the same time? Don't know why I keep doing it 🙈
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Alterle pfp
I heard it's @cryptolena 's birthday today! Let's all send her the best wishes
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