Alex pfp
Every dollar you take from the market isn't just money, it's time. It's freedom. It's a part of your life that you no longer have to give up for something you don't want to do. Think about how much time people give up to earn money. Some wake up before dawn, commute for hours, and spend all day at a job they hate, just to earn enough to survive. Others toil in physically grueling jobs, breaking their bodies for a paycheck that never seems to be enough. When you see money for what it really is - energy, time, and sacrifice - you begin to understand that every dollar deserves respect. If you take $100 from the market, it could be a day's pay for someone working a job they hate. If you earn $1,000, that's a whole week of dealing with a hateful boss, stuck in traffic, stress, and hatred, and you did it in a few minutes, on a screen, using only skill, patience, and proper execution. That's why it's important to cherish every dollar. Every dollar saved is another moment in your life.
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Alex pfp
Every dollar wasted is time you'll never get back. People who are careless with money, who gamble it away mindlessly, who choose to remain trapped in a trap where they have to constantly sell their time to survive. Those who respect what they've earned, who protect it and multiply it with discipline, are the ones who break free. And you can break free not only by earning money, but also by knowing how to save it, add it up, and multiply it.
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