Weaponizing knowledge together for V2 – Alfafrens space 11/21 summary Link to the recording: @burrrrrberry: The long-term goal is to take spaces and recordings and upload as podcasts so people can use these resources at their convenience. Feedback to @0xfran: People were not prepared to have a channel. It makes sense to take what we (existing channel owners) know and share that knowledge to raise the chances of success for everyone for V2. Successful methods for channels - No. 1: @burrrrrberry —CONSISTENCY - Your activity streak directly influences the leaderboard points - No 2: @jacy – Let go of imposter syndrome. Seeing people engaging, helps find your voice. Be brave enough to make mistakes, people can’t scroll the chat forever. - No 3: @eirrann.eth — Share other aspects of life; bandwidth is an issue. Engage subjects people can relate to. Eg. landscaping, mental health. Letting people get to know you, is an unlock.
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Advice on bandwidth: - See how much bandwidth you NEED for the channel. @jacy works in crypto & shares alpha in chats. See what's trending. - You don't have to figure your channel out all at once. Jot ideas down, see if they can turn into a bigger plan. - HAVE FUN in your channel! Don't put a lot of pressure on yourself AlfaFrens can be a safe haven. Repricing channels: - Slider of pricing: The team is working on a “suggested slider & guides” - @burrrrrberry 500 degen current channel. Starting a second channel for poker - will keep channels at base level pricing - Keep in mind, higher priced channels were more popular in V1 to save on gas - How many subs will you retain if increase price. What am I worth? If ppl already subbed and price jumps, what happens? - There will be a transition phase. Not a permanent decision, later you can change it. You will be able to see what the new channel is priced at before commit when change to V2.
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What do we need?: More people sharing specialized skillsets: Great examples: @yes2crypto.eth’s channel is a masterclass in trading. Burr shares great channels within her channel and on warpcast to amplify outstanding people and stellar content. @samanthaeharvey is a shining example of someone who showed tenacity and consistency, and now has one of the best channels on AF Advice: - Start a conversation in other channels, raises your qualitative score. - Farming ALFA in most effective way: @eirrann.eth received more points from holding conversations in his channel. - BE AUTHENTIC - Platform incentivizes engagement with each other - points will rack up - Sub to content you enjoy -- For example if get into negative netflow, feels more of a productive experience if consuming worthwhile content - @jacy one-way convo great for networking in crypto. Scope of ppl you meet will increase.
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Question from @michaelstone: How to suggest for X/IG following migrate to AF? - @burrrrrberry utilizes 'show more' on warpcast which prompts the user to find the rest of info on AlfaFrens. - Shill channels tastefully. - 15-30 second elevator pitch why should someone subscribe to your channel - @michaelstone Offer first dibs on artwork, random giveaways. Has his own token, learn how to add value to the token, distribute tokens @tenaciousd pharmacist in healthcare industry - What to do to add more value, monetise content? - Channel content pitch: Sleeping aids, over counter pain meds, navigating hospital visits. Evidence based medicine, research, links for more research
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