Alex pfp
community platforms suck in 2023 i want a platform that: - provides a group chat and private dms (chat) - gives members the option to create events (based on global location) - has good ux / onboarding flow - mobile friendly - doesn't cost $500+/mo
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Matthew pfp
how important is it to you that the group chats are directly on the site? we'd like to do a lot of this at @event! but we use FC protocol for identity + discussion
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Alex pfp
Current Invite / User Flow for Dialecta 1. Send to landing page 2. Fill out survey (Get early access button leads to survey) 3. Get to the access page (with links to features & community) 4. Try out the app (Try the features out) 5. Join the community on Heylo (Meet other Dialecta users!) Event GC/DM is important
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Alex pfp
But this is just a hypothesis rn - could be wrong on the community part of things. A whatsapp group would be my default choice actually for in-person community building. Except it also sucks for very niche complaints. 1. no way to organize events 2. very bad moderation tools 3. no way to gate access
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Alex pfp
Trying to figure out what the top of the funnel looks like for user acquisition. Whatsapp is great for casual groups and for banter (I run a CDMX Foodies group). I force people to create a separate Whatsapp group for events. Dialecta Language Events need to ultimately be on my own platform but for now need a stopgap
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Alex pfp
One approach: 1. Whatsapp Group (top of funnel - easy to add people to it, casual) 2. Heylo (host events on this platform) (attend event = added to the community) Risk of this approach is attention split between two separate platforms :( Current experiment: no Whatsapp only Heylo for events & community
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