$ALEX Masmej pfp

$ALEX Masmej


502 Following

$ALEX Masmej pfp
$ALEX Masmej
😂😂😂😂 4 years of daily sex Just earned DRIP doomscrolling @gino on @drakula
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$ALEX Masmej pfp
$ALEX Masmej
Loved doomscrolling all your /farcon video on @drakula This one by @esdotge.eth is amazing ❤️🔥
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$ALEX Masmej pfp
$ALEX Masmej
Who’s building Farcaster poke? 👉
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$ALEX Masmej pfp
$ALEX Masmej
Recovery from FarCon: ☑️ @drakula Creator Fund Week 5 Airdrop: 🔜
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$ALEX Masmej pfp
$ALEX Masmej
. add “comment” feature on @drakula _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ REDACTED / \ REDACTED _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ _ _ _ _ _ _
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$ALEX Masmej pfp
$ALEX Masmej
In ~2 months, @drakula will launch a major crypto-native update. Drakula was an experiment on top of Farcaster & $DEGEN. Turns out we absolutely crushed our launch and gave $2M to creators. 💙🙏🎩 Now our goal is to grow by a extra order of magnitude from 10k users to 100k+. Get the app now: apple.co/3U6Cr9M.
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$ALEX Masmej pfp
$ALEX Masmej
If you haven’t checked out Drakula in a while, get our mobile app! → apple.co/3U6Cr9M
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$ALEX Masmej pfp
$ALEX Masmej
Cool Drakula frame!
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$ALEX Masmej pfp
$ALEX Masmej
Oh and also… top YC companies by revenue
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$ALEX Masmej pfp
$ALEX Masmej
@dwr.eth said at a dinner that SF is the place for serious founders to be if they want to be successful. That opinion is deeply unpopular among founders, yet these same people tell me how helpful it must be that I’m connected to Naval. Most SF first-time founders I know have some kind of tech superstar connection.
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$ALEX Masmej pfp
$ALEX Masmej
The insights I've gained at FarCon from other founders like @vigneshka (mission, leadership), @levy (mapping the space), and @jonny (fundraising) have been invaluable As a founder-for-life I actively chase new ways to 1,000x our company like a degen chasing 1,000x memecoins
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$ALEX Masmej pfp
$ALEX Masmej
You can’t be both a social network (text twitter clone / Reddit cozy corner, i.e Warpcast) AND a megaphone-style social _media_ (TikTok, IG). @drakula can be a social media client on top of the Farcaster social network without competition from Warpcast (maybe I’ll be proven wrong but that’s my current thinking)
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$ALEX Masmej pfp
$ALEX Masmej
FarCon/Hack was an absolute banger of an event — thank you @ted @dylsteck.eth for organizing 🙏🫶
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$ALEX Masmej pfp
$ALEX Masmej
Had a blast at FarCon! FarHack hackers — congrats! The level of engineering was goated. Direct cast me if you want to jam on any video / social ideas.
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$ALEX Masmej pfp
$ALEX Masmej
UPDATE: I WASNT EXHAUSTED!!! https://warpcast.com/alexmasmej.eth/0xd5d4f546: https://drakula.app/post/8c777cd0-8b66-4d97-a400-097050e4f9ed?invite=LMHb6q
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$ALEX Masmej pfp
$ALEX Masmej
tokens were pumped, tshirts were taken off don’t ask why
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$ALEX Masmej pfp
$ALEX Masmej
FOMO!!! Sorry couldn’t make it - had to watch @br1an.eth go topless for the $farcon token launch
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$ALEX Masmej pfp
$ALEX Masmej
Exhausted post-FarCon but gosh this was amazing. Will try to make it to the afterparty later tonight Will reach out to some of y’all on DCs — hit me up or you want to jam on anything, I’m open for the next couple weeks!
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$ALEX Masmej pfp
$ALEX Masmej
9 replies
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$ALEX Masmej pfp
$ALEX Masmej
TIL I knew @0xdesigner before any of y’all
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