Alephwyr pfp



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Alephwyr pfp
I guess one possible summary of the past 7 years of my thought is:  "Religion and meaning-making systems are the results of perverse incentives at both the evolutionary and societal level. These put limits on discoverable knowledge that hurt people. These are also a form of spiritual drunkenness."
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Alephwyr pfp
From a survival standpoint, it's better to be thought a bad person than to present an explanation. People have recourse against a bad person: they regard them as a bad person. People have no recourse against an actual explanation. Explanations are unforgivable. If you have one you should keep it to yourself.
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Alephwyr pfp
Look, liberals: What you call Democracy and view as worth defending is, from a proles perspective, just despotism with middlemen. You're the middlemen. And if they can't have a world worth living in, they will choose despotism without middlemen over despotism with middlemen. You don't escape this.
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Alephwyr pfp
I dislike current events >:(
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Alephwyr pfp
Nobody hires based on anything except trust, and trust is almost inherently anti-meritorious as a system. This is the bottom line for why nothing will ever have an actual justification in terms of institutions regardless of ideological furniture shuffling.
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Alephwyr pfp
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Alephwyr pfp
Suddenly overcome by the urge to give an impromptu TED talk
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Alephwyr pfp
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Alephwyr pfp
Streaming armored core VI in 40 minutes.
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Alephwyr pfp
If both the United States and the UK end up with a Hindu head of state it will be the second time western fascism has had philosophical ties to India. Which is not a lot, but it would be weird if it happened twice.
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Alephwyr pfp
Christianity has been explicitly anti anarchist since the calumniation of Simon the Magician, whose decentralized healing in the name of Christ was approved by Christ, but who subsequently became a minor villain whose explicit literary function was to consolidate authority in the church.
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Alephwyr pfp
My current gaming laptop is starting to show it's age.  CPU temps are rising, and battery is swelling.  Had to disconnect the battery for safety reasons.  I have other laptops and am honestly considering just getting a Steam Deck for gaming going forward.
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Alephwyr pfp
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Alephwyr pfp
The AntifAmerica flag. A compromise everyone can believe in.
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Alephwyr pfp
A sufficiently popular ideology can generate replacements faster than any force can create disillusionment.
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Alephwyr pfp
In retrospect, it was naive to think capitalism would allow there to be merely one mark of the beast.
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Alephwyr pfp
I have an inexpensive "Uber of homeless housing services" idea for anyone with a lot of money and no fear of being disruptive. DM if interested.
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Alephwyr pfp
The most interesting thing about Quokkas isn't their lack of survival instincts. It's that, even in the absence of predators, they didn't exhaust the natural resources available to them. This proves that sustainable ecosystems without predators are possible.
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Alephwyr pfp
Wait, is the Holy Grail just a Christianized conception of the Outside? A link to the ineffable God that transcends mortal and fallible frameworks and institutions including the Church? Because if so I totally understand it and indeed recognize it as the only meaningful Christian Icon.
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Alephwyr pfp
Electrons are sentient. Therefore heavier elements are more sentient. Radioactive material is just an element so enlightened it feels the need to share.
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