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Realization — once you get off caffeine, you need to align your circadian rhythm with the sun again. Ie. Go to sleep by 10p, wake up and look at sunlight + walk to increase body heat I stayed up past midnight last night, woke up late and skipped my walk this morning… And boy, I am craving coffee hard right now lol
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albi is /nervous
i'm 3 weeks in without stimulants and i've never sleeped this good. i do agree you have to maintain good sleep hygiene which might be tricky, but the difference in energy levels throughout the day and on the long run is clear
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How did you get through the initial dip (assuming you also quit drinking morning coffee)
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albi is /nervous
i went from coffee to matcha to no stimulants - i assume that this intermediary step helped i stopped drinking it during a week long hike. moving as soon as i woke up and going to bed early made it much easier. most importantly i also shifted my mental model from 'feeling tired and unproductive is a disaster' to 'feeling tired and slower is ok, the more i'm in the parasympathetic, the more energy i'm stacking up for tomorrow as i'm rebuilding capacity in my system. instead coffee creates debt that i'll have to repay each day a little more' - which as someone who has burnt out 3 years ago is very tangible and rational, as long as you can create space for it
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Love that last part -- the slow paying off debt that has accrued over years or even decades is a slog, but if seen for what it is, becomes much more manageable
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