Albina🎭  pfp



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Albina🎭  pfp
I just minted a photo on Moshicam! :•>
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Albina🎭  pfp
All the most precious things in life are nearby! The main thing is to understand in time that this is the most expensive thing.
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Albina🎭  pfp
Have you ever thought about the fact that there are a huge number of people, many of whom are ideal for a relationship with you, even, perhaps, much more suitable than the current loved one? But, indeed, it is. However, here everyone decides for himself: to run from one suitable person to another, or to stop at one and continue to create a common world with him.
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Albina🎭  pfp
If you constantly deny yourself for the sake of others, you will become a sofa — comfortable and soft…
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Albina🎭  pfp
Reminder: You have something that no one else has. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. Therefore, write, draw, build, play, dance, love, live the way only you can!
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Albina🎭  pfp
If you wake up every morning thinking that something good is going to happen today, it will happen.
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Albina🎭  pfp
Everything in life should bring joy. And it doesn't matter what it is, a piece of fried meat or 1 hour on the simulator. Who has his own joys, you will stop judging everyone by yourself
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Albina🎭  pfp
The stones that fell from the soul will make a good road to happiness...
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Albina🎭  pfp
Have a nice Sunday
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Albina🎭  pfp
You have to love yourself. If it's not for anything at all, love selflessly.
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Albina🎭  pfp
The only thing I don't like about you is your eternal: "What will people say." "People" don't build your life. And even more so mine. First of all, think about yourself. You have to arrange your own life. Will you really allow what others think to come between you and your desire?
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Albina🎭  pfp
Never regret anything: sometimes troubles happen for the good, but dreams do not come true for the better. © Oleg Roy
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Albina🎭  pfp
Public opinion is, of course, a good thing. But I like mine better!
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Albina🎭  pfp
Whenever there is an alternative, choose something that makes the cat purr in your heart...
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Albina🎭  pfp
There are two ways to become happy: improve reality or lower expectations.
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Albina🎭  pfp
"Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you decide to be happy. No one will make you happy until you decide to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you. It can only come from you."
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Albina🎭  pfp
The best reason for joy is the one that I came up with myself.
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Albina🎭  pfp
I'm the type of person who says hello to animals.
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Albina🎭  pfp
office mask with a stupid boss )
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Albina🎭  pfp
If modern children are told that this is the designer of their childhood, they will not believe it. Have you seen these?
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