Jayme Hoffman pfp
Jayme Hoffman
Timely launch for Game Wallet Turn any GameBoy into a secure offline cold wallet. Generate a seed phrase using a hash of your button presses as you walk around and complete quests. https://www.gamewallet.gg/ https://twitter.com/CupOJoseph/status/1659544815204179968
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clun.eth pfp
Looks very cool but the creator is not answering the question “how do I actually sign transactions with it”? Since it has no camera and no keyboard it is not clear at all how to transfer a transaction into it in order to sign it.
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Aaron Ho 🎩 φ pfp
Aaron Ho 🎩 φ
Had the same question here. I don't think a physical connection is made to a machine either
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clun.eth pfp
Seems it doesn’t do any transaction signing. The fact that the creator doesn’t know what cold storage means is a little worrying.
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