justin.ahn.eth pfp



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justin.ahn.eth pfp
wife bought this chianti from Lidl (8 eur) just because she thought it looked funny looked it up to learn that this type of bottle is called a fiasco and found the wine itself tastes decent as well ๐Ÿท
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justin.ahn.eth pfp
when you're a degen but still try to touch grass on the weekend
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justin.ahn.eth pfp
TIL I've been Costcoing at a grade school level... This is some giga brain ๐Ÿง  Costcoing posted in r/costco
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justin.ahn.eth pfp
finally fired up the ooni for the first time and attempted 5 pizzas, of which 3 were fails (peep how dirty the oven got ๐Ÿ˜ต) sharing snap of ๐Ÿ• #4, as it turned out best, but will definitely need to keep practicing!
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justin.ahn.eth pfp
parent cast 'tip me' spam to this humble channel, you better believe that's a banning ๐Ÿ“ https://media3.giphy.com/media/tXtTNW8xtbA4w/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952djzwma4k83jpa73shn2lax9eo8qcjoend6jm7h7x&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g
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justin.ahn.eth pfp
gm โ˜•, again (via frame by @tom-major)
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justin.ahn.eth pfp
my kids attempting to murder me this morning
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justin.ahn.eth pfp
in retrospect, prolly should've ran the extra 500 meters to round it out at 10 ๐Ÿคท https://strava.app.link/q7Cb0bnS6Ib
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justin.ahn.eth pfp
Excited to see many of you at Far(away)Con next week! My schedule is pretty unpacked, so polite interest for grabbing a coffee / run in advance. :)
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justin.ahn.eth pfp
Only just heard the news: RIP, Larry ๐Ÿ˜ข
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justin.ahn.eth pfp
gm, tgif โ˜•
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justin.ahn.eth pfp
what's the best way to show off the cards you've collected so far?
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justin.ahn.eth pfp
when you stare into the abyss and the abyss stares back at you gg, @bc-zip.eth ๐Ÿคฃ
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justin.ahn.eth pfp
even better than my own upper deck card that i imagined as a kid, my own /farcards ๐Ÿ™Œ
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justin.ahn.eth pfp
if /replyguys was an anime
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justin.ahn.eth pfp
who's still using XBT as an abbreviation for bitcoin?
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justin.ahn.eth pfp
is there an optimal notch one should be using on their belts?
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justin.ahn.eth pfp
benefit of being based in CET: being left alone with the 1 ham in christintown ๐Ÿ–
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justin.ahn.eth pfp
lives in france, still chooses to open a kirkland signature california wine for dinner tonight ๐ŸคŒ
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justin.ahn.eth pfp
got the run in this afternoon ๐Ÿƒ https://strava.app.link/nFZjaupF3Ib
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