Kaan  🎩 ✪ pfp

Kaan 🎩 ✪


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Kaan  🎩 ✪ pfp
Kaan 🎩 ✪
4 replies
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Kaan  🎩 ✪ pfp
Kaan 🎩 ✪
hihi i just claimed free $degen rewards for earning Not A Token from @airstack new season begins today airstack.xyz/notatoken cc @betashop.eth
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Kaan  🎩 ✪ pfp
Kaan 🎩 ✪
Check your $DEGEN Stats. Frame by @nikolaiii. Tip him here: https://warpcast.com/nikolaiii/0xfbed5ab9
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Kaan  🎩 ✪ pfp
Kaan 🎩 ✪
Hi everyone
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6 reactions

Kaan  🎩 ✪ pfp
Kaan 🎩 ✪
7 replies
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45 reactions

Kaan  🎩 ✪ pfp
Kaan 🎩 ✪
Oh, guys! Don't miss it. Just claimed $FOMO Airdrop just for staking $FOMO by @tocd. Min. Stake amount is 12 $FOMO (~$0.1). Definitely worth checking this out. Do you want to get bigger? Take 10,000 $FOMO on Uniswap and claim it instantly. Buy $FOMO on Uniswap: https://theoldcastle.xyz/buy_fomo 10000 $FOMO!
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Kaan  🎩 ✪ pfp
Kaan 🎩 ✪
3 replies
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42 reactions

Kaan  🎩 ✪ pfp
Kaan 🎩 ✪
Do you like cloudy, windy and rainy weather?
2 replies
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31 reactions

Kaan  🎩 ✪ pfp
Kaan 🎩 ✪
Check your $DEGEN Stats. Frame by @nikolaiii. Tip him here: https://warpcast.com/nikolaiii/0xfbed5ab9
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44 reactions

Kaan  🎩 ✪ pfp
Kaan 🎩 ✪
TOCD (@tocd) Bought Back OVER 270,000 $FOMO tokens. Guess where the price will go? BuyBack increases the $FOMO (/omof) price. It makes $FOMO difficult to acquire. $FOMO is available for staking and trading paired with $DEGEN Share this cast and receive 30,000 $FOMO Tip allowance
5 replies
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Kaan  🎩 ✪ pfp
Kaan 🎩 ✪
1 reply
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42 reactions

Kaan  🎩 ✪ pfp
Kaan 🎩 ✪
1 reply
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33 reactions

Kaan  🎩 ✪ pfp
Kaan 🎩 ✪
Wow! I just bought 15000 $FOMO and received $FOMO tokens (/omof) Airdrop by TOCD (@tocd) just by clicking the button on the frame! $FOMO token is trading on Uniswap: https://theoldcastle.xyz/buy_fomo Get $FOMO Airdrop, with just one click and check your wallet
6 replies
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48 reactions

Kaan  🎩 ✪ pfp
Kaan 🎩 ✪
$DEGEN stats by
9 replies
16 recasts
73 reactions

Kaan  🎩 ✪ pfp
Kaan 🎩 ✪
4 replies
14 recasts
69 reactions

Kaan  🎩 ✪ pfp
Kaan 🎩 ✪
My cat's name is Innocent
3 replies
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63 reactions

Kaan  🎩 ✪ pfp
Kaan 🎩 ✪
If I could only eat one dessert in my life, I would choose this dessert.
9 replies
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86 reactions

Kaan  🎩 ✪ pfp
Kaan 🎩 ✪
The Fast and Furious series, which adorned the childhood and youth of a generation, will end with a final movie in 2026.
4 replies
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79 reactions

Kaan  🎩 ✪ pfp
Kaan 🎩 ✪
Check your $DEGEN Stats. I'm not happy at all
6 replies
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75 reactions

Kaan  🎩 ✪ pfp
Kaan 🎩 ✪
My mood is every day when the tips don't increase
3 replies
6 recasts
58 reactions