Chase Sommer
Thoughts on 'headless' brands like /higher I don't think you can have headless brands. You need someone casting vision and making decisions. I do think that once you hit a critical mass, you can open up the movement to allow others to use your stuff permissionlessly. But you have to create frameworks. Clearest example to me is Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). It is the most open game you can have. You are supposed to create your new adventure using the IP. However, there are still a ton of rules and frameworks to help with this. Sorry if I'm offending people. Been thinking about this for a while.
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An even simpler version of this is giving something for people to do, a clear call to action. We've seen leaders say something to the effect of "higher is what you make it" time and time again, but this is the opposite of what they should be doing.
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Immediately actionable list of things which can be done right now.
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number 4 is the only one without (a) significant friction (b) direct value flow to token, but it's top of funnel and already happening. the vision is vague, the cta is vague. that some people think it should lean into athletics and others think it's a lifestyle brand (don't get me started) signals a lack of clarity
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