ted (not lasso) pfp
ted (not lasso)
Variant's first newsletter just dropped with a strong take from @li that web3 social networks with asset-first approaches (building for users' desire for profit) will succeed over ideology-first approaches (building for users' values + ideals): variantnewsletter.com/p/issue-1-thinking-about-web3-social. wdyt?
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Agost Biro pfp
Agost Biro
The financial aspect of Web3 is way overblown imho. The real big deal is permissionless innovation that doesn’t look like much at first, but it’s compounding over time and leads to ecosystems that no closed product can compete with. It’s like AOL vs the internets
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ted (not lasso) pfp
ted (not lasso)
agree. it's never really clicked for me why crypto VCs and evangelists always lead with profitability as the main motivation for everything crypto. it comes across as a reflection of their personal circle and their own values, rather than a realistic take on social psychology and behavioral economics.
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