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Agadoo 🎩 pfp
Agadoo 🎩
For anyone wanting to spin up a hub - been running mine on a hivelocity $25/month server (16gb/320gb). Note, this is hub only (no replicator). Shoutout to @andyk for the recommendation. Never used hivelocity for anything else so dyor, but hub is rock solid, more so than 4x expensive rigs on Google Cloud/Digital Ocean.
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AndyK. ⌐◨-◨ pfp
AndyK. ⌐◨-◨
Been happy with it so far. Moved my apps off DO. Few things I've experienced-no hourly option (can't spin up anything without committing for the month), support is relatively good, no pre-configured VPSs, can't update SSH keys after launch, custom ISOs pretty simple (installed Arch on one).
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jcdenton.cast pfp
Just mentioned Hivelocity in our ~100/month Farcaster hub guide!
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