æther pfp



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æther pfp
'Perpetual Motion' (1931) by Asahachi Kōno "Whatever happens, happens to you by you, through you; you are the creator, enjoyer and destroyer of all you perceive." —Nisargadatta Maharaj from 'I Am That' (1973)
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æther pfp
recent risograph prints from a series inspired by the planets this one is titled 'porosity', and evokes the Saturn - Neptune conjunction
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æther pfp
'Orbits' (1934) by Agnes Pelton i can feel the saturn neptune conjunction! ⋆⭒˚.⋆🪐 ⋆⭒˚.⋆
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æther pfp
Mel Blochner, whose work i've shared here a number of times, passed away earlier this month 'Silence' (2009) from the artist's Shematics series feels bizarrely apropos
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æther pfp
the Earth Viewed from Venus from 'Astronomy for Amateurs' (1904) by Camille Flammarion in preparation for Venus stationing retrograde on March 1st ⋆✴︎˚。⋆
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æther pfp
even in the shadows, there's a light worth finding— may you find yours from 'Exotic Moths' (1852) by James Duncan https://archive.org/details/b33030388/page/n4/mode/1up
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æther pfp
'The Waterfall' (1950) by Boris Lovet-Lorski
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æther pfp
'Untitled' (1980) by Otto Piene
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æther pfp
'The Visit' (2024) by Monika Marchewka
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æther pfp
Self/Portrait (1966) by Mel Bochner ink on graph paper
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æther pfp
'Chance and Order' (1981) by Kenneth Martin ink on graph paper
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æther pfp
falling hard for Lachlan Turczan, an American artist working with light, water & sound 'Veil I' (2024) a light installation made with light, water & salt in Death Valley, California
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æther pfp
Plate (folio 11) from 'The Poems', 1960 by Joan Mitchell
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æther pfp
'AH HA' (1975) we could do with some more Bruce Nauman here
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æther pfp
who are you in this picture? and how much compassion do you have for the dragon? 'Saint George Killing the Dragon' (1435) by Bernat Martorell
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æther pfp
woke up from a dream to discover that @doily had collected a 1/1 from my collection 'Thresholds of Revelation' on @foundation *Logos One* is part of a reflection on how language influences our perception of reality for once, i'm at a loss for words ᝰ thank you, dear friend! 🥰 ❤️ also grateful to my friend @pixellare for animating this particular artwork, and inspiring me on my creative path
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æther pfp
'Abstraction with Red Faces' (1980) by Jean Dubuffet
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æther pfp
suddenly struck by how tame + conventional this channel is becoming— here's some weird + wonderful 17th century art that leaves me gobsmacked + ambivalent 'The Lactation of St. Bernard' by Alonso Cano
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æther pfp
'Pez Dispenser' (1984) by Jean-Michel Basquiat
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æther pfp
'Jacob's Ladder' (ca 1805) by William Blake (maybe Marcel saw this before painting 'Nu descendant l'escalier N° 2')
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