adrienne pfp
Anyone sit on a board of a nonprofit and care to share any thoughts on upside / downside?
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adrienne pfp
@gardner @brixbounty @lishousesq4rz @javabu.eth seriously thank you all for the replies. For the most part, your answers were aligned to my assumptions so I suppose that’s good. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something non obvious before taking next steps. Appreciate you guys 🙏🙏
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Bethany - countessellis.eth🎩 pfp
Bethany - countessellis.eth🎩
The one I’m on is a fairly small group. It doesn’t take much of my time, one group meeting every two months, one board meeting the following week. Mostly “war stories” and financial talk at our board meetings. Main concerns for us are finding speakers and using up our small but excess money.
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Lish 👽🎩🔵🍆🦄 pfp
Lish 👽🎩🔵🍆🦄
From my experience each board is vastly different so it depends on the organization. How frequent do they meet? What are the expectations and roles? Are you a rubber stamp or do you have more weight? Questions to consider are how much time you have to be involved versus the needs of the position.
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BrixBountyFarm 🎩 pfp
BrixBountyFarm 🎩
Where to start…
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Jared 🎩 pfp
Jared 🎩
I think the biggest upside and downside depends on what type of board member you'd like to be.
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Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
Expect to help with fundraising. Apart from corporate governance thats the primary role of a non profit board member.
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TMO 👉  RWAxPGF pfp
Can be meaningful but also pomp and circumstance without any agency. Depends on organization and culture and size.
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Gardner pfp
Agree with @Lishousesq4rz that all boards are different… my take: Upside: you never know how you can help until you get involved. Good people teaming up to do good things is positive. Downside: You’re doing meetings not “doing the work” (boots on the ground) and can be disconnected from the actual mission.
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