0xen 🎩 pfp
0xen 🎩
Big ups to all the organizers for making this happen, a labor of love no doubt, it’s going to be amazing. Special acknowledgement to @cameron and @grin for setting the stage with FarCon 1 which had significant birthing pains but without which we wouldn’t be where we are.
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sparkz 🎩  pfp
sparkz 🎩
I really enjoyed hearing their story of how F1 came together on @gmfarcaster this week. Totally different vibes!
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0xen 🎩 pfp
0xen 🎩
Ah I missed it, will have to give it a listen!
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adrienne pfp
Vibes https://youtu.be/u0wu_eKeIzc?si=hl0KHKl79Tc4p4QZ
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