adrienne pfp
This time of year last year I was driving back and forth between Philly and New York every few days because my mom was in the hospital and fighting for her life. I am in such a different place this year (on so many levels), but I can close my eyes and remember exactly how I felt last year…
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adrienne pfp
Farcaster was such a comfort. I barely knew people here but I remember how good it felt to drop in here and chat with strangers. I remember @samantha and @cameron. I prob still thought @ted was a dude and I prob didn’t know @nounishprof at all. I remember trying to figure out the difference btw @purple and purple
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Meg pfp
Is she ok or did she pass away, Adrienne?
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Brad Barrish pfp
Brad Barrish
❤️ I really feel this, especially today on the anniversary of my dad's death. Being online, in my case, just writing and leaving comments open, really helped me.
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Ox Bid pfp
Ox Bid
I'm very sorry for your loss. Sending you a big, warm hug from rainy and grey London! I'm sure your mom was an incredible woman, and she is now in a better place, looking after you.
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Marissa pfp
Community is everything and really helps you get through tough times. We’ve got each other 🫶🏼
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Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩 pfp
Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩
💜 it’s been a bit longer since my dad passed but the waves still come from time to time. Amazing that this cozy place was here when you needed it. 🫂
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