adrienne pfp
GM 🤝 After the Farcaster NFT NYC meetup
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j4ck 🥶↑🎩 icebreaker pfp
j4ck 🥶↑🎩 icebreaker
the. best! so good to meet you!
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Tricia pfp
So nice to meet you!!
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_slow_crypto 🎩🤷‍♂️ pfp
_slow_crypto 🎩🤷‍♂️
Goodness Adrienne, your engagement game of late is impeccable. 🙌 Alas, shame not to have made NYC myself.
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Aaron Ferguson 🎩🏰📚🔵 pfp
Aaron Ferguson 🎩🏰📚🔵
aw man, I am a bit jealous for sure but glad everyone had a lot of fun!
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Bias 🫧🗿 mybe c u @ Farcon pfp
Bias 🫧🗿 mybe c u @ Farcon
And this is just the beginning
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
DAU -> IRL pipeline is real
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Mac Budkowski 🥝 pfp
Mac Budkowski 🥝
there was a good interview on a16z crypto startup school with github cofounder who basically said that big part of their community building has been done offline :)
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Carlos Matallín pfp
Carlos Matallín
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Balazs 🎩 pfp
Balazs 🎩
The beginning of a network state
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ACP pfp
The farcaster network is strong
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