adrienne pfp



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adrienne pfp
Mental health is an important topic to talk about and to take action for. When you’re not sure what to do, just ask. As simple as it sounds, it’s not so easy in practice. I minted this to remind me to just a.s.k. 💗
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adrienne pfp
One of my go to mindfulness hacks when I find myself in a situation I don’t want to be in is to ask “what can I learn from this experience?” Works surprisingly well for changing a negative emotion to positive.
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adrienne pfp
For mental health action day we heard Chic Bangs story, how she discovered her DJ talent, the impact of childhood tragedy, and we took ACTION- a group SHAKE while listening to her song. Thanks to everyone who came and shook with us @borrowlucid.eth @les @chicago @joely @evav.eth anon from chile, and more anons
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adrienne pfp
My new friend @beecurious is getting into network states and wanted to know who to connect with. I suggested @tldr @grin @xenbh.eth and check out /network-states and /cabin (can you consider this my warm intro? 🙃) Who/what else? Unrelated, thx to Ina, i have a new afternoon ritual of matcha 🍵🥰
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adrienne pfp
GM Farcaster is on at a later time than normal tomorrow. Perfect for you west coasters. 9am PT / 12pm ET Friday for 29 minutes of farcaster news with special guest @itai followed by interview and deeper dive into smart wallets and web3 onboarding If you have questions for him, drop them below 👇 🙏
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adrienne pfp
Some changes coming to /farcasther next Monday. Check out @ivy ‘s cast and reply with any questions. 🫶
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adrienne pfp
Congrats to all the OSS developers out there!! Farcaster heroes 🙌
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adrienne pfp
From platforms to people ✊
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adrienne pfp
Don’t get angry
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adrienne pfp
We’ll be live on @unlonely shortly! Come join us for Mental Healt Action Day.
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adrienne pfp
2 photos from my yard taken today Did you know a cut branch from a willow tree can simply be planted and it will take root? This is one is several years old. Water lily season
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adrienne pfp
Excited for this special event with @chicbangs.eth tomorrow for mental health action day- an important topic near and dear to my ❤️ Thursday 2PM ET on @unlonely
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adrienne pfp
I took an existing podcast and put in onchain today. I'll follow up with a paragraph post detailing the steps, but honestly it's almost too easy. 1. Get new wallet address 2. Get new ENS for the show 3. Create new Zora account with new ENS 4. Create new collection, on base, and upload the MP3
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adrienne pfp
Buoy notifying me every time I cast 🤣
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adrienne pfp
"He might be making millions of degen livestreaming onchain to a massive global audience today, but he got his start back in college with an AM radio show. He's TradRad at his core." @humpty.eth @hollins @0xl @nounishprof @nonlinear.eth
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adrienne pfp
We’re live streaming farcaster news at 8:30 AM ET this morning. Recording dropped later but I hope you’ll join us on the live stream because it’s more fun
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adrienne pfp
Trend alert: slow First there was /slowcore-hq by @trishd and @danicaswanson and now /slow-co-lab by @slowcrypto Check them out and let me know what you think.
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adrienne pfp
Likes are the new cyan
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adrienne pfp
Idea: NYC Writing Hackathon, Onchain Summer 1 day, 20-25 ppl, split into teams of 1-4, publish an essay onchain on a selected Farcaster topic. Applicants must show proof of prior work (blogs, newsletter, art, etc.) All I need is a company with office space to host, I can coordinate everything else. Reply or DM 🫡
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adrienne pfp
FarcastHER, I’m (selfishly because I need this) starting an accountability thread. What do you need to accomplish this week? Drop your list in the replies and I’ll follow up with you Friday to make sure you achieved it. 💪💪
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