Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Plantcasters 🌱 I bought my first plant ever and now I am scared and confused Do I need to take it out of the plastic?? If so… how do I do it without killing it 🫠🫠🫠
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Adam pfp
overwatering those is very easy to do, let it get suuper dry between waterings
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
like... once a week or what?
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Adam pfp
nah longer probably, you can stick your finger in like an inch or so and see if it's actually dry, for mine even if it fees dry i let it go another week or two (or more, you can kind of forget about it on purpose), it's a desert plant so it can handle being dry for a while. overwatering makes it super droopy and soggy
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Oh okay cool I’m gonna test then like once a month or whatever dude you probably just saved this plants life lol
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