Adam Stallard pfp

Adam Stallard


21 Following

Adam Stallard pfp
Adam Stallard
The priests of Hiroshima The cost of my desire
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Adam Stallard pfp
Adam Stallard
Stalin has them both beat by a mile.
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Lefteris Karapetsas pfp
Lefteris Karapetsas
I'm often told it's appreciated I stick to my values and how more projects should be built the right way, like rotkiapp is We're improving, but finding a sustainable business model that preserves said values is hard I'm looking for a business person to help with this. Preferrably in Germany plz Recast for visibility
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Adam Stallard pfp
Adam Stallard
> most people in the world are not even aware of proof-of-personhood protocols, and if you tell them to hold up a QR code and scan their eyes for $30 they will do that. Once someone is educated and realizes it was a mistake to sell their irises what can they do? (See above) @brightid has social recovery. @worldcoin ?
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Adam Stallard pfp
Adam Stallard
What prevents orb holders (or manufacturers) from creating massive sybil attacks? What does the graph of accountability look like among orb holders? If you create a decentralized system of accountability like this, you've created @brightid Aura (and probably don't need biometrics any more.)
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Adam Stallard pfp
Adam Stallard
If not, do we need to maintain an iris court to handle these disputes? How is it governed?
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Adam Stallard pfp
Adam Stallard
Let's say a real orb holder claims to help you get verified on Worldcoin, but instead they keep your new account for themselves. How do you recover? Does a new registration always invalidate an old one? If so, can someone who has your irises can continuously steal or invalidate your account?
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Adam Stallard pfp
Adam Stallard
> more ambitious proof-of-personhood project: Worldcoin @brightid is no less ambitious, just much less funded because we operate as a public good rather than a VC-backed company.
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Adam Stallard pfp
Adam Stallard
Mostly my response is to bring you up to speed on Aura, a new verification system for BrightID + a decentralized expert system for other domains. Also blind signatures in BrightID, and Unitap which can help with the account renting problem by limiting the # of distinct apps / tokens a person can use.
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Adam Stallard pfp
Adam Stallard
Here's my response which I hope you'll read. Feel free to chat or DM on discord or telegram. Maybe you could build some of this stuff with me; you're obviously still interested in it. @bitsikka.eth @ubipromoter @gloria
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Adam Stallard pfp
Adam Stallard
I just finished reading it. I'm glad you're still thinking about this. I have so many thoughts I need to write a blog post to respond. I'll also put the heads of my responses here in warpcast. Give me a bit of time.
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Adam Stallard pfp
Adam Stallard
Maybe ask yourself if you really need native capabilities. A web app can do almost anything these days.
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Adam Stallard pfp
Adam Stallard
@davidgreenstein Is building a recommendation engine for a priority? Maybe something this person could work on?
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Adam Stallard pfp
Adam Stallard
I'm fine with mitigating age-related suffering though.
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Adam Stallard pfp
Adam Stallard
It took me some time to understand. I started looking into more after reading the essay Vitalik links to in his twitter profile under "it's important." I still have questions, like "if no one chose to be born, why would we choose to live forever?" Also, what happens when accidents become the #1 cause of death?
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Adam Stallard pfp
Adam Stallard
This is the song I liked
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Adam Stallard pfp
Adam Stallard
Ok well I listened again and I don't like this particular song, but I remember having at least one song from this collaboration in my playlist. Also aren't people trying to figure out how to become immortal ( @vitalik.eth ? ) As long as it's a cure for senescence and not brain vats or eternity in FB metaverse, I'm down.
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Adam Stallard pfp
Adam Stallard
I remember liking this when it came out. I need to give it another listen. It's been a long time. If I remember, it was William Shatner spoken word over Ben Folds music and I liked it.
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Adam Stallard pfp
Adam Stallard
I doubt we're all CS majors here. I bet there's plenty of people who majored in music, but went on to be software devs :D
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Adam Stallard pfp
Adam Stallard
WC is in a sweet spot right now where I feel a kinship to almost everyone here.
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