Adam Cochran pfp

Adam Cochran


72 Following

Adam Cochran pfp
Adam Cochran
Link to my Twitter thread on this. While I don’t recognize all of these, I know that some of these are modified math functions that have practical applications in data compression, cryptography, etc and gave some examples:
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Adam Cochran pfp
Adam Cochran
The “ZK” on ZKasino, stands for the amount of knowledge (and character) it’s devs have.
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Adam Cochran pfp
Adam Cochran
A little unsure how I feel about the approach of having to pay Warps to cast in certain channels. Especially with warps being a paid thing, rather than an earnable currency. Would rather see a reputation system be the gatekeeper, than just wealth.
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Adam Cochran pfp
Adam Cochran
Still looking here! Help to integrate Farcaster into any existing social media tool and get paid in the token, fiat or shitcoin of your choice!
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Adam Cochran pfp
Adam Cochran
Still looking! Trying to find the right dev to help integrate Farcaster into a existing social media tool. Willing to pay in ETH, DEGEN or any shitcoin of your choice!
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Adam Cochran pfp
Adam Cochran
If you’re a @farcaster maxi who has done Farcaster integrations (especially SIWF) and can survive in a PHP/Laravel environment would love to chat about some project based work for you. Please slide into DMs if you’re a good fit!
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Adam Cochran pfp
Adam Cochran
If you’re not on yet, you can use invite code “adamscochran” to join. Test net contests are almost over and have rewards that carry into the mainnet launch.
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Adam Cochran pfp
Adam Cochran
Geld the prototype useful-proof-of-work coin is now live on Base. You can check @basegeld on Twitter or Comes with a series of RPG features like mining leveling and equipable items (once a front end is live)
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Adam Cochran pfp
Adam Cochran
Every month I give myself a new hackathon project. This months is almost done. It’s like a gamified PoW token for @Base, but the ‘work’ check is upgradable. So ‘mining’ could update oracles, submit zk proofs, or provide offchain compute. Making pow useful. Hope @jessepollak has the RPCs ready. 🫡😅
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Adam Cochran pfp
Adam Cochran
Been heads down building some stuff of my own, and supporting some portfolio companies. Check in on Farcaster and suddenly it’s booming! This is great! (Still no threads on Warpcaster client though 😅)
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Adam Cochran pfp
Adam Cochran
Mfw my contract is 107 bytes above the EIP-170 size limit. Curse you Spurious Dragon!!!
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Adam Cochran pfp
Adam Cochran
Let’s see if we’re less crazy on Farcaster than bot-run Twitter: We all agree that Putin is a dictator and a piece of shit, right?
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Adam Cochran pfp
Adam Cochran
I’m glad there is a new influx of Ethereum CT folks here. A) I try and post my deeper thought/technical thoughts here But more importantly B) My broken monkey brain craves the dopamine of people hitting the ‘like’ button in high quantities. Maybe now I can get my fix here more often 😅
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Adam Cochran pfp
Adam Cochran
Oof Warpcaster doing me bad. Not even visibly obvious that this is a long thread unless you click on it in the timelines…
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Adam Cochran pfp
Adam Cochran
Interesting to see the different response this post got on Twitter vs Farcaster. Twitter: Omg Vitalik is retiring and thinks only young people can contribute to ETHs future. Farcaster: Happy birthday, and $DEGEN token spam. Neither great tbh 😅
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Adam Cochran pfp
Adam Cochran
1/2 Ok question for the ETH tech community: why don’t we have lots more precompiles? For example, I can’t do Ed25519 in a smart contract due to precision/scale issues, but could make it a precompile that nodes could run. As long as the gas fee is high enough to deter frequent use, is there a drawback?
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Adam Cochran pfp
Adam Cochran
Already asked on Twitter but let’s see if we get better answers here: If you could add or change, any one feature on Ethereum, what would it be and why?
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Adam Cochran pfp
Adam Cochran
1/11 On New Years: One of my goals for 2024 is to shift more of my writing to Farcaster and get away from Twitter. But more broadly a return to my roots. In a recent post by @vitalik.eth he encouraged the community to “be more cypherpunk”
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Adam Cochran pfp
Adam Cochran
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