Vinay Vasanji
What is the current best way to get recurring payments in USDC without the sender locking the full amount in a contract? Say you want to receive 1 USDC a day for 30 days, how can this be programmatically handled from the senders end?
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Meant to attach screenshots. Superfluid lets you break up the distribution over your chosen time frame. It supports multiple chains as well. You do have to wrap and unwrap your token, but you don't have to lock anything in a contract
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Vinay Vasanji
This is interesting, so once wrapped you still have self custody of say your USDCx and the protocol now lets you direct that token to a receiver address as a stream I guess I still have to have sufficient USDC to wrap in the first place, so if my subscription is 1 USDC per day for a year I should wrap 365 USDC to ensure I my subscription stays active for that duration, right? I tried to give the subscription demo a spin but got this error cc @superfluid
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Hope they follow up here, but if not, try them on their discord:
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I'm here!
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