Alex Kwon 🔮🎩🧀 pfp
Alex Kwon 🔮🎩🧀
📣Announcing @perl Activity Feed: Now Showing real-time activities from the community in one streamlined feed. 🔮️When people save something new 🎉When a new user joins This is the first step of the bigger project evolving Perl into a more social, collaborative experience.
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Alex Kwon 🔮🎩🧀 pfp
Alex Kwon 🔮🎩🧀
@perl #buildingperl
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Jayme Hoffman pfp
Jayme Hoffman
@launch Perl Activity Feed - real-time feed of all community activity
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Launchcaster pfp
Congrats on the launch! You're live on Launchcaster, the place to launch and discover new Web3 projects. Connect your wallet to claim and edit your launch page:
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