Renée Campbell
I’m on my 22nd migraine in the last 26 days. Just want to vent, hope you don’t mind. I don’t need medical advice, it’s happening because I’m switching medications so I just need to ride it out but damn it’s not easy. If you know anyone struggling with chronic illness, please send them some love. A message, a joke or a phone call is all they need to know you’re thinking of them.
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maybe they are some migraine variant or tangential thing — oxygen mask seems the most magical for me i have cluster headaches. for many years i thought i had bad migraines. they can least for weeks or more. they are cyclical and i go years in between; for others can be chronic migraine meds do almost nothing. one time i went to the er and they put me on oxygen. it’s was instant magic heaven amazing so much relief. unbelievable feeling. that’s when i first knew it wasn’t a migraine. for cluster headaches they have sumatriptan pills and nasal spray. nasal is immediate relief. pill is five min. and for chronic people i think they have at home oxygen tanks
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Pichi 🟪🍖🐹🎩 🍡🌸
I have at home oxygen. It’s magic at times and if it doesn’t work it gives me clues as to How else I might need to treat it.
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Renée Campbell
Never tried oxygen. I’ll check my local chemist and see about trying it. Thanks!
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