“EOA key still needs to be stored” 😂 man. it’s hard having critical views of 7702 bc it’s so favored. it’s a band aid. and we need more folks talking ab it and holding us accountable.
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It doesn’t need to be “stored” though :)
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i’m excited to see solutions. “forgetting they key” is also weird to me. i know there is no ideal and all avenues have tradeoffs. i just want us to be able to say, ya we aren’t solving root causes and are just designing around eoa limitations.
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why is it weird? if it's a post-quantum concern, then the issue is orthogonal as majority of multisig & execution signers are not PQ safe right now.
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it’s very simple for me: if i can’t rotate a secret i am wearing the same underwear every day. if i can’t manage my accounts together, i am just adding things on top to work around this limitation and making it worse. a smart account tied to an app forever? wild. a smart account dependent on a single key pair eoa? also wild. who would design that way on purpose? we need better key management to have better account management and i don’t think folks take this seriously. the DID world finally acknowledged non rotating is weak, and now has a spec u can rotate and revoke.
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so for this case, you want to rotate for the case where it may take a billion years to crack the private key?
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where is that private key? Who is storing it? Where how do we know where they’re storing it? What happens if their computer is hacked? Would they be able to change it? No.
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thought we were talking about the case where we are not persisting the private key ("forgetting"). nevermind.
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