0xen 🎩 pfp
0xen 🎩
public ledgers, open source, DAOs, CC0 are all far left coded ideals. curious how the more right leaning crypto space squares these bedrock concepts.
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Generate revenue.
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0xen 🎩 pfp
0xen 🎩
strange bedfellows innit
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Thumbs Up pfp
Thumbs Up
DAOs or user-owned networks are like cooperatives. Cooperatives can earn revenue. The distinction of capitalism’s versus socialism’s “revenue” is the profit incentive and who gets the profit. Especially because they also have the power over how the company is run (and in oligarchies, how the country is run) Don’t let anyone tell you that money, markets, or income has to be absent from leftist ideology; it’s a big tent. Leftist conception of these things, which as you mention is very much coded in line with the web3 we’re building, is about equitable distribution of surplus revenue and democratic control of the organizations. I don’t think people on the right understand the bogeyman they think they’re fighting. Red scare propaganda and garbage propaganda like “The Little Black Book of Communism” built a wall of bias that even Gorbachev couldn’t tear down.
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
> Red scare propaganda and garbage propaganda like “The Little Black Book of Communism” built a wall of bias that even Gorbachev couldn’t tear down. It's not little. 100 million dead. Ask anyone who has actually lived in a communist country how great it is. :) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Black_Book_of_Communism
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Chainleft pfp
With that book's logic of "preventable deaths under the government with ___ ideology's policies", you could say capitalism killed dozens of billions. It's just a weird way of accounting. If we really want to use that definition for one ideology, we should apply it everywhere. The book is considered academically hollow but it has been used quite commonly by far right ideologists and politicians of course.
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Mike | Abundance 🌟 pfp
Mike | Abundance 🌟
You can say a lot of things but fact is that countless millions were killed, starved, and enslaved as a direct result of communist policies. It's an ideology that claims to be "humanitarian" but caused the most destruction to humanity in the 20th century (and has nothing to show for it)
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prmck.eth (w☮️/acc) pfp
prmck.eth (w☮️/acc)
Serious question: what are the numbers for how many millions have been killed, starved, or enslaved under capitalism?
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Mike | Abundance 🌟 pfp
Mike | Abundance 🌟
Good question. Most likely nowhere near as many as under communism?
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prmck.eth (w☮️/acc) pfp
prmck.eth (w☮️/acc)
Hows that? If deaths happened under comminsm, then attributed to communism. Then If deaths happened under capitalism, then attributed to capitalism. Ergo, billions (basically every global death that wasn't "under communism") dead bc capitalism, right?
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Mike | Abundance 🌟 pfp
Mike | Abundance 🌟
I didn't say "if it happened under communism." I said if it was as a direct result of the policies. But even with your interpretation, taking the 20th century as the benchmark, a lot more deaths happened in communist countries than anywhere else (including in the two world wars). Adjusting for population, probably even more so.
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Chainleft pfp
Who decides the convenient threshold for "direct result of policies"? Do 1 million Iraqis count as deaths due to capitalism? Do millions from civil wars in Middle East count because most tensions are due to the original decisions made by capitalists? India-Pakistan partition from the capitalist British decision? Laos bombing? Hundreds of millions from colonialism? Slavery? Climate change deaths? All of these are direct results of capitalist decisions.
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Mike | Abundance 🌟 pfp
Mike | Abundance 🌟
I don't think changing the "thresholds" will affect the calculus much tbh. Also, not sure how Middle Eastern civil wars, in countries with largely socialist govts (and aligned with the Soviet Union) can be attributed to capitalism. For the record, my conservative estimate is that for every death attributable to capitalism there are 3 deaths attributable to communism. Ironically, "who decides" is exactly the problem with communism. It's a centralization problem
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prmck.eth (w☮️/acc) pfp
prmck.eth (w☮️/acc)
So what's that 3x estimate based on?
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Mike | Abundance 🌟 pfp
Mike | Abundance 🌟
Based on the estimates of those killed in wars, civil wars, famines, genocides in the 20th century that happened within each "sphere" of influence. So for example I excluded the Vietnam war, Korean war and Afghan war bc you could say those are wars between both sides
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prmck.eth (w☮️/acc) pfp
prmck.eth (w☮️/acc)
I would say those should be included and deaths could be accounted by cross attribution (one spheres deaths are caused by the opposite sphere that did the killing). But I wouldn't stop there. I think the easiest way to account for all deaths would be any death within a specific sphere that is *not* due to old age
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prmck.eth (w☮️/acc) pfp
prmck.eth (w☮️/acc)
The more I think about this the more I want to setup some sort of prediction market, and seek out some set of trusted third parties to research and oraclize and answer. - agree on a proper phrasing of the question or statement to be adjudicated - create a prediction market for ppl to place bets - take a fee to fund the research - agree on a set of neutral researchers to compile the relevant data and present a conclusion - use the results of the research to settle the market Is this a thing yet? Feels like it should be a thing...
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Mike | Abundance 🌟 pfp
Mike | Abundance 🌟
To generalize this a bit beyond the specific question at hand, the issue I see with prediction markets in their current form is that the incentives of those who do the research/provide the data has to align with getting the most accurate and objective info. Currently it is not. It's not merely a question of phrasing - you can always find a way to game such rules with enough money on the line, which means that you're not indexing for accuracy or objectivity but for profit maximization. I do believe that this can be solved (and that's partly what I'm working on w /impact), but you need to base the system on a value-consensus mechanism rather than a market system
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prmck.eth (w☮️/acc) pfp
prmck.eth (w☮️/acc)
Yes I don't think current prediction markets work well for this. But I think there could be a way to build one on top of a reputation system that allows the LPs to fund a market for a specific wording, and then vote to select the most neutral oracle they can (given that 3rd party is willing to act as an oracle). So betting would not take place until the market opens, which would be triggered by an oracle being selected and accepting their position as the oracle. The base case then becomes a simple bounty, but if the wording and oracle are deemed neutral enough, bettors will show up and make the market interesting
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Mike | Abundance 🌟 pfp
Mike | Abundance 🌟
In this mechanism, what prevents the oracle from betting on an outcome (and then producing that outcome)?
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prmck.eth (w☮️/acc) pfp
prmck.eth (w☮️/acc)
Nothing really. That's the tough piece. Though, I think reputation would be a big enough incentive to produce neutral results. Also, the initial LPs that start the market would offer a base fee to the oracle (simple bounty fee in the base case) and then a portion of the market fees produced by volatility could also go to the oracle, removing some of the incentive to settle in a particular direction to make a profit. So maybe, reputation + enough $ to not "miss out" on the economic opportunity.
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Mike | Abundance 🌟 pfp
Mike | Abundance 🌟
Unless the size of the market is trivial compared to the base incentive (and I'm not sure how that's even possible) the oracle would also have an economic incentive to play in the market and get an outsized (and certain) return, which makes the result not very credible. I think in that case maybe you need to have multiple redundant oracles that only one of them would be randomly selected. That at least would take away their economic incentive to rig the results (but it would raise the cost of the game since you'd have to pay all oracles regardless)
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prmck.eth (w☮️/acc) pfp
prmck.eth (w☮️/acc)
But in the case you're suggesting (base oracle fee X, potential oracle manipulation profit of X/10), I think the reputational risk of getting caught manipulating the outcome does not outweigh the extra 10% profit for committing the manipulation.
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