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Eastern Bufficorn
The Dem’s journey to the dark side is complete. Neocons flock together.
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MAGA dimwits are so hilarious 😂 Cope
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Eastern Bufficorn
I’m not maga and if you want Cheney you can keep him
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Why do you seem upset about someone voting against a wannabe tyrant and likely influencing several boomers to follow suit then?
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Eastern Bufficorn
I just hate war and all those who peddle it regardless of party.
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Ok, but your original claim still doesn't make any sense so I'm still not sure what the intended point of your cast is. If voting somehow automagically instantly transforms a party I'd have converted parliament to veganism ages ago. Cheney is an absolute ghoul, but his decision to finally vote Democrat is only positive regardless of his history and highly questionable ethics.
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Eastern Bufficorn
The dems used to be anti war and pro free speech. They have now become pro war and anti free speech. A complete flip. They have become just like Cheney. No wonder he is voting for the dems now. None of this means I like trump - I don’t like him either.
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