gm, if you are alive in the next 30 years, chances are you're going to live forever it is stupid to risk this immortality by doing things that can kill you beforehand
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Damnit why’d I have to catch the T1D 😂
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sorry to hear that, damn genetic lottery the future is bright though with the advancements in wearables i'm sure you have an "artificial pancreas" already
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I don’t have a pump, but I do wear a glucose sensor :-) Just a few days after my diagnosis in late 2020, researchers at UofA announced that they’d cured type 2 and type 1 in mice via gene therapy - so I’m hopeful!
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get a pump! it's a bit diy iirc at the moment but i know a few people who have the loop system working pretty well for them basically cyborgs
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Definitely cyborgs :-) Yeah I just haven’t gotten over the idea of wearing another device yet…I’ll probably get there eventually but the Dexcom is enough for now 😂 I also hate that the software for these things is terrible and not open. I’d love to be able to export my data
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