Aaina  pfp
I wish there was a in app channel to discuss Succession: That eye roll from Jess! Did Roman’s melt down deal him out or was it playing leverage poorly w/ Mencken? Why is Shiv stuck in amateur cloying for the grown ups table? Is anyone better at playing psycho hot than Skaarsgard? What’s the power of Cousin Greg?
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Caden pfp
also: -Roman's out because he's fucked up literally everything so far and withers at failure instead of owns it -Shiv keeps getting told she has too little experience so she has to put herself in the spotlight as capable (doesn't play well) -why the fuck is Lukas always hunched over? bothers me. -and Greg ftw
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Aaina  pfp
why Greg ftw? Skarsgard is 6’4 I think it’s some combo of his natural posture and filming height? Yea Shiv can’t lead from behind with the big stick. But I guess most women can’t, or it’s much harder, which is a shame because that’s real power.
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🪷 pfp
such a great episode. The brief scene with the four woman in Logan’s life at the funeral is a perfect touch
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